Well I guess this is where I should start. I have ordered my products and they should be arriving in the next few days. I am looking forward to starting- hoping that something will finally work for me. I have been looking through the message boards and feeling encouraged.
I am 26 years old, married with 2 small children. After both pregnancies, I am about 50 pounds overweight. In the last few years I have tried every diet pill and diet out there and have lost nothing. I'm aware that I have a painfully slow metabolism which discourages me. I feel like if I actually saw results, it would not be so hard to continue with the program.
I'm prepared for the first few days to be rough- so I'm ready to start. I'm just praying that this will be it for me- that I can actually lose the weight- I'm so sick of being fat and depressed.
Any support/ encouragement is greatly appreciated.