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Postby txqueenbee42 » February 22nd, 2004, 5:42 pm

:D I am new to the board but I started losing weight on January 22 and so far I have lost 33.5 lbs but this week I haven't lost any, do anyone have any suggestions for me to continue losing. I have started trying to walk but my legs hurt real bad because I had been immobile for a while and my legs get real stiff after I try to walk. Any suggestions will be appreciated!!!
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Postby susan » February 22nd, 2004, 7:00 pm

welcome tx just hang in there and drink your water and shakes you will start losing again .I have lost 48# but didn;t lose any this week so I am hanging in there and drinking shakes and water so hopefully we will drop again this week.
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Postby butterpecan » February 22nd, 2004, 7:05 pm

Welcome txqueenbee42, and congrats on the weight loss. That is AWESOME, I am butterpecan and i also live in texas, just wondering if u by chance live in houston. I would love to have a phone buddy that i could chat with about how we are doin and motivatin each other and if we live close well who knows. There are some really nice motivational people on this forum and they really care, i chat with some of them by instant messenger and they know how to say all the right things and give lots of encouragement, even if its not what u wanted to hear at that time. So hello and welcome and keep shakin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yea and bring your questions, problems, and good or bad times here and someone will be there for u.
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Postby shineface » February 23rd, 2004, 10:11 am

Hi TX---

Just keep doin' what you've been doin' --- think about it -- 33.5 pounds since 1/22 !!!!! That is a great loss .... if you stay true to MF it will stay true to you. Are you doing Full or Modified?

As far as trying to excercise --- if it hurts - don't do it - go easy - very easy remember, we are finding muscles and tendons and circulation that have been MIA for years (at least in my case!) I do not believe "no pain -no gain." We do not have to be in pain to work the MF program and subjecting yourself to any activity that causes you physical pain is going to be discouraging -- take your time and don't hurt yourself - you're doing GREAT!

Hang tough and keep shakin', slurpin' and postin'!!!

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Postby Nancy » February 23rd, 2004, 10:29 am

Texas QueenBee ~

Perhaps the addition of the exercise is slowing you down a bit. If you are sore, then your body may be sending extra fluids to the sore areas to bathe and soothe rather than releasing poundage. Typically people do expereince a bit of a plateau when they reach the 50 pound mark so you are a bit early for it to be a real plateau.

Keep doing the right things, it WILL melt away.

Glad you're here. People will be seeing less of you!
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