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Postby Miami » February 13th, 2006, 12:41 pm

Hello All,

I've been here for a couple of weeks now and I am starting the 5 and 1 program today. I've been reading old posts and checking out recipes. I have stocked up on additional extracts and DaVinci sugar free syrups. I even ordered some things previously and tried them out and they are pretty tasty with the modifications that many of you have suggested. I became really confused in the beginning from reading some of the old posts here and on the Medifast 1 site and now I really understand all that I need to do and I am ready to start.

I am a wife and the mother of four children between the ages of 14 and 11. I've tried soooo many other programs and after researching this program for weeks, I feel in my :heart: that this will work for me. My husband joked one time and said "it seems like you are on a different diet every week." I got a good laugh at that one. Not every week, but I must have tried every diet imaginable. I'm 5'3 and 270lbs. I would like to lose 135 pounds within a year. If I do it sooner, that's even better. My willpower is close to none, but I'm extremely optimistic. :) I understand that the first three days will be challenging, so with that in mind, I'm on my way.

I wish you all success and those that have reached their goal, I wish you continued success.

Miami Blue

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Postby DogMa » February 13th, 2006, 12:54 pm

Welcome, Miami. This is a "last resort" diet for many of us. The good news is it works, and willpower is a lot easier to come by when you see results right away (both in weight loss and in the way you feel).

Welcome aboard!!

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Postby MusicalMomma » February 13th, 2006, 12:56 pm

Hi Miami Blue!! :byebye: Welcome to the forum and to Medifast! I know what you mean about little will power, but the truth is, this plan is so simple that you're either on plan or NOT on plan. It's not like other "diets" where you get confused or easily slide off the straight and narrow. If you have a slip up, ya just get right back to plan. There is no guess work. And that's the reason I've found this plan to be a plan that I can live with for the rest of my life!

Feel free to ask questions, read old and new posts, re read them ;), drink LOTS of water (64 oz a day is MINIMUM), I drink 100-120oz a day (64oz of pure water, the rest can be a non-caloric drink) and things are moving along nicely :)

Keep posting and we'll be here cheering you on!! :cleader:
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Postby Lizabette » February 13th, 2006, 1:09 pm

Hi Miami Blue,

So glad to have you aboard the MF-MMT choo choo train! You have researched and are ready to climb aboard. How exciting that today is the day!

Really, you don't need to worry that much about 'will power' because the choices are already made for you. Just stay 100% and drink the water (important!) and you'll be at your destination in due time. Another tip that really helps me. I write down everything on my MF Daily SuccessTracker found in the Quick Start booklet. In fact a lot of other things in there help, as you have probably already checked out.

In fact, my husband says that I am eating all the time! And I am, since that's the way this works and I don't have time to get hungry. Is that great or what?

My 5&1 meals are usually the same as his, with some additional dishes for him. It's easy!

Actually, I have been there-done that with five children, who have now thankfully grown into fine respectable people.

We both have the same goal for destination--135. And it doesn't matter if one of us gets there on a different schedule, the point is that both of us will arrive on time!

All aboard, Miami. You'll travel speedily with your great attitude!

Lizabette :heart:
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Postby RyCoBlakesFolks » February 13th, 2006, 1:18 pm

Hello Miami Blue,

Great to see you here and ready to begin! :wave: My husband and I are new members as well and started 2 weeks ago. We have had great success so far as I'm sure you will as well. It sounds like you have tried alot of the other diets and are ready for one that works and works QUICKLY!

It's nice to 'meet' you and I look forward to getting to know you better along our way to getting thin and healthy. (Once you get through the first 3 days, which really weren't all that bad for us, you will be amazed with how great you feel - loads of energy!) :boing:

Lori :bighug:
Lori & Jerry
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Postby falisamarie » February 13th, 2006, 3:21 pm


Great to have you joining us!! We are always so pleased to see someone new ready to get thin and healthy. In no time at all you will no longer be "blue" just Miami! Keep us posted on how you are doing

Lisa :rose:
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Postby cydj21 » February 13th, 2006, 3:45 pm

Welcome, Miami! :wave:

I too can relate to the lack of will power, the feeling that nothing will work, but desperate to find something that does. Then I found MF and so have you! Congratulations because your life is about the change for the better. :mrgreen:

Good luck and enjoy the ride!
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Postby lauradr » February 13th, 2006, 4:00 pm

Miami, Welcome :wave: everyone is here to cheer you on :cleader:
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby Nicki » February 13th, 2006, 5:40 pm

I'm glad you're here Miami ... welcome to this forum of friendly wonderful losers! Like you, I'm not known for my willpower, but a friend of mine once told me there was no such thing as willpower, only making choices. It may or may not be true, but just thinking of it like that has helped me. I choose to not go off program and the weight comes off. Who woulda thought?! :lol: Plus, once you get all the nutritious Medifast goodness in your body and all the cruddy stuff comes out of your system, the urges for off-program food will subside quite a bit, if that's a problem for you like it used to be for me. So, get ready for your ride to thindom!
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Postby aphrael » February 16th, 2006, 1:11 pm

Welcome Miami

Medifast has a strage way of giving you willpower when you didn't know you had it. You force you way through the first couple days than all the sudden you feel amazing. You have energy and arne't hungry anymore. That gives you motivation. After a week you see you dropped several pounds and that gives you more motivation. You will find your tastes change while on the program and find your self craving things like salad and green beans.

I have slipped up and let me tell you it makes you feel like ick. Not out of guilt, but because your body now recoginzies that the junk food is just that, junk. Your body gets used to having good nutrition and you will love the way you feel from sticking with the plan. Don't learn this the hard way.

Welcome to the family here!

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Postby Soon2bFitSonja » February 16th, 2006, 5:07 pm

Welcome aboard Miami:

I like you are new to MF, I started 2/7/06. Also like you I am usually on a different diet. However, I have found it almost amazing how I have been able to stick with MF. For me over a week is good. This program is easy because you don't have to think about what to eat, not a lot of grocery shopping to plan or do, and the big thing for me anyway is the convenince.

This forum is also the saver. The folks here are so supportive and they all are doing so well on the program. It's amazing to me to find a program that everyone that does it (correctly anyway) loses weight. That in and of itself is one heck of a motivator.

You will do fine. Come here for your questions, comments, and all your support and you will be on your way to a thinner heathier you.


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