ive been reading your posts for a bit, but am unble to find my question. I apologise if there is a thread about this somewhere.
Ive just started optifast on recommendation of my doctor. But im wondering if im already stuffing up!! so ive got on questions beacause my next app. isnt for a while.
1) is this a calorie based diet, or low carb??
2) ive been having two shakes a day also homemade vegie soup and some low carb food like eggs and meats etc. all lean and cook healthy. But im just wondering if its a mistake to be doing this. am i causing damage already??
Will i lose weight this way or should i be strictly on three shakes a day.
im finding the diet hard to stick to because im getting really tired, and hungry. Is it ok to eat suger free lollies and stuff. Im a little confused. Thanks for any help, its greatly appriecated!!