Newbie Questions!! Thanks

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Newbie Questions!! Thanks

Postby zigafeen » June 21st, 2006, 1:01 am

Hi all,

ive been reading your posts for a bit, but am unble to find my question. I apologise if there is a thread about this somewhere.

Ive just started optifast on recommendation of my doctor. But im wondering if im already stuffing up!! so ive got on questions beacause my next app. isnt for a while.

1) is this a calorie based diet, or low carb??
2) ive been having two shakes a day also homemade vegie soup and some low carb food like eggs and meats etc. all lean and cook healthy. But im just wondering if its a mistake to be doing this. am i causing damage already??

Will i lose weight this way or should i be strictly on three shakes a day.

im finding the diet hard to stick to because im getting really tired, and hungry. Is it ok to eat suger free lollies and stuff. Im a little confused. Thanks for any help, its greatly appriecated!!

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Postby Diana » June 21st, 2006, 1:42 am

Hi, ziga. Welcome to the party.

Did you receive a Quick Start guide when you received your food? There's really good stuff in there!

What were the directions the doctor gave you when you started the program?

Most of us are on one of two protocols: The 5 MF meals and one Lean & Green (L&G) meal a day, or the 6 MF meals a day.

There are definite restrictions to what you can have...all spelled out in the handy dandy Quick Start Guide. Unca Tim has posted it for us here:

Are you causing damage? You could email the Lori, the Take Shape for Life nurse at getfitfast (at) comcast dot net (oviously, take out the spaces and use the punctuation -- one way Unca keeps spam down here is by not allowing links from outside the Make Me Thinner site).

Best of luck! I know when I'm doing the program right, I'm not hungry and I have a whole lot more energy than I did previously. Can't wait to read stories of your success.
Here's to our mutual success! :buddies: --Diana
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Postby falisamarie » June 21st, 2006, 5:42 am

I am confused. Is this diet the same as Optifast??? She said the Dr put her on Optifast. It is still early so could someone help me out here.

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Postby Diana » June 21st, 2006, 6:13 pm

(rumaging for glasses again...) :oops: :oops: :oops: 8) :mrgreen:
Here's to our mutual success! :buddies: --Diana
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Postby Jan » June 22nd, 2006, 8:01 am

Hi There,
We are not soooo sure about the optifast requirements and program since this is a Medifast Forum and they are quite different. For one thing Medifast is for the most part a soy based protein product and optifast is a whey based product (I think that's true -- but can't even say for positive about the optifast) If you wish to continue on your optifast program you most likely need to find an optifast forum. I'm afraid that we really don't know about your program and thus are of little help. Perhaps your Dr. could offer some suggestions for you.
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Postby Unca_Tim » June 22nd, 2006, 9:19 am

If you are using Optifast, there's a great forum on the net for you.
PM me, if you'd like the link.
All the best,
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