Newbie questions... about exercise... and more...

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Newbie questions... about exercise... and more...

Postby Raetish3 » January 7th, 2006, 8:46 am

I have reading these boards faithfully everyday since I hopped aboard the Medifast Train... I love this site and just how supportive everyone is...
I have to say this is an awesome site!!
My questions are: Where can I can a quick start guide?? I ordered all food (first time) from Coast & Ebay because it was cheaper and I was not sure if I would be able to handle this diet (I saved 40.00!)...but in doing so I never received a "Quick Start Guide" just a gourmet recipe guide for the shakes and cocoa... So I have been doing this diet according to this website and what I've read on other forums as well as the medifast website. Am I missing valuable information?? I want to succeed in this plan and knowing my failure rate on hundreds of other diets I just want to succeed!! My goal is to be a heck of alot thinner by the time my 17 yr old daughter graduates in June!! (Teary eyed just thinkin about my baby not a baby anymore!-) And also, "EXERCISE " I have not exercised at all for almost a year and we have a better version of the the so called Gazelle in our hot tub room and I was thinking about using it for exercise and not a clothes hanger anymore... But I also have been reading that exercise is to be done gradually.. Can someone help me on that topic?? thanks for your patience with me... Rae :lol:
Officially started Jan 9th !!

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Re: Newbie questions... about exercise... and more...

Postby Nicki » January 7th, 2006, 9:27 am

Raetish3 wrote: Am I missing valuable information??
YEP! The Quick Start Guide is the "goto" guide for the plan. You can see a copy on the official Medifast site ... look for it under the tools section, downloads. I refer to it all the time, personally. It does address your question about exercise, you do need to ease into the exercise and then only after you've been on program for a few weeks.
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 7th, 2006, 10:32 am

Hi Rae, are missing alot by not having a TSFL health advisor.
You're missing having a helping hand all the way to your goal. Someone who'll listen, talk and guide you along the way. Also, someone who can help you decide which products and plan best suit you and take care of ordering and any problems that may occur. Our goal as TSFL health adivsors is to allow you to do nothing but concentrate on sticking to the program and reaching/maintaining optimum health.

I understand that you can save money online occasionally and we all need to be as frugal as possible, but you really don't know what you're getting by buying on an unauthorized site. It may be old, returned or damaged stock with no guarantee. One bad order through one of these sites and you're out more than you would ever save over the long run.

A TSFL health advisor can set you up with several discounts. There's also the AutoShip plan which saves you up to 12%, if you're going to be on the plan for an extended period. Also case lots are 10% off. My guess would be that if you ordered your first order with TSFL, you could have beat just about any offer online with the free week offer.

I'm not lecturing you here or directing this post at you individually, I just wanted to post this publicly for anyone who is thinking about buying through an unauthorized site thinking they can save money.

Also, here's a link to the quickstart guide:
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