Dear LookinFine and Guest ~
I wanted to chime in here and welcome you to MakeMeThinner.

I wish you the best and am so thankful that


was right there alongside Unca Tim to assist you. Thank you both for your excellent support and assistance!
(I apologize for being absent - one of these days, I'll fill you in on the details.)
During the first few days to a week on the program, some people experience a headache. It is nearly always the result of not drinking enough water. As your body adjusts to the program, you will feel great and the headache will be gone. I've found that sometimes when people begin a healthier regime, they reduce or eliminate the amount of pop and coffee/tea that they were drinking prior to the the program. They also increase their activity level. When one goes cold-turkey or significantly reduces their usual caffeine ingestion, it may result with a nasty headache.
The Medifast meal replacements are slightly dehydrating and it is necessary to replace that which you eliminate: you will be running to the potty a lot initially! Drink a MINIMUM of 8 glasses of water per day.
It is important to wash away the by-products of fat-burning - it will wash those toxins right outta your bod! Herbal tea, iced tea or hot tea, calorie-free/carb-free pop or drinks like Crystal Light or the Medifast Momentum Flavor Infusers or the Antioxidant Flavor Infusers can be part of your intake. Be careful with the caffeine though because you may be more sensitive to it and we don't wantcha feeling too wild

or getting shaky and spill your shakes! It is best to not have more than three caffeine-laden drinks during the weight loss phase.
The actual recommendation is to take your current weight in pounds, divide that number in half. Once you have that number in your noggin, drink that many OUNCES of water. So...a 200 pound person would need to drink a minimum of 100 ounces of water. Yeah, I know. That's a lotta water - like slurping a swimming pool, eh?
Re: your workout regime...during the first three weeks of the Medifast Program, it is needful to not over-do it. Since you mention you have been exercising for two months, you do not need to stop exercising but it is needful to cut the length of your workout and the intensity of your workout in half while your body is adjusting to the program.
It is a good idea to have a shake about 15-30 minutes prior to your workout and a bar about 15 minutes to half an hour after the workout. That will provide your body with the fuel it needs for the work session. Drink more water than usual during your workouts. The maximum length of time a workout should be for people on the 5 & 1 Program is 45 minutes. If your workout is longer than that, it will be necessary to add more fuel; a health coach can assist you with a customized program.
Have a good weekend and keep on keepin' on - this program is excellent