Well I woke up this morning with a renewed sense of self and motivation. Yesterday was my birthday and I've decided I can't do this functionally obese thing another year! Although I've said this before, I'm serious THIS time (lol!! as if i weren't serious all the OTHER times). Each time I start another weightloss journey, my current weight and goal weight seem to be getting further from each other (and that's not because I lower my goal weight!!) New Years resolutions, schmezzolutions. What purpose do they serve? None- at least for me. As with many others, I resolve to lose weight, I resolve to exercise, I resolve to eat healthier, yada yada yada. Then you bring in the next new year 10 lbs heavier, physically unfit with a hoagie in one hand and a bag of chips in the other.

Well here we are 4 months after New Years resolutions have been made and broken. I have now decided to accept my own BIRTHDAY resolutions...in theory, they will yield the exact same results as my New Year resolutions (lose weight, exercise more, eat healthier) but they are for MY birthday, not everyone elses New Year. I've come to the realization that my birthday is what it is. It celebrates the birth of ME. It does not celebrate the turning over of another calendar year. My birthday may be meaningless to the majority of the population but that does not say it has less meaning. So as of yesterday; the day I was born 35 years ago, I resolve to love me for the individual inside, i resolve to focus on my health--not on the large blobs of fat and double chins I see when I look in the mirror. In turn, everything else should fall into place. Wow! look at that!! How quickly New Years resolutions became secondary when I place things into perspective. Do I love exercise? No. Do I love always having to watch what I eat? No. But I love me and that's all that counts. Therefore, I have to take it for what it's worth and run with it. For those of you who made it this far and took the time to read all of my babbling, THANK YOU for the support. I know this was kinda long... AND I hope to see you all on the other side (of 200lbs that is!!!!).