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Newbie here...a little about me

Postby LisaNewYorkCity » September 28th, 2005, 12:58 pm

I really should have introduced myself before I started posting....sorry to be so rude. My name is Lisa, and as you can see from my name, I live in New York. I'm 38 years old, I have a beautiful 2 1/2 year old son, and I work full-time at a non-profit organization for the past 14 years in Human Resources.

I have struggled with my weight for the past 20 years. Although to be honest, I've never needed to lose more than 20 lbs....but then came my pregnancy. I got very sick with a pregnancy related heart condition, so now what I eat and weigh have become life or death factors for me. I went up to over 200lbs during the pregnancy, and I have lost 60 lbs to date. However, for the past year, I have not been able to lose the last 20 lbs which is what the doctors ideally want to control certain risk factors for my health.

I am really excited to have found the MF program. I had ordered a sample pack which I tried last week, but I didn't really start until yesterday when the full month's supply arrived. You all seem so nice and supportive. I look forward to getting to know everyone.
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Re: Newbie here...a little about me

Postby BerkshireGrl » September 28th, 2005, 1:06 pm

Welcome Lisa! :wave:

Peeshaw, don't worry about your intro following your first few posts! We're just glad you're here!

20 pounds can be as tough to lose as 100. Maybe even harder, since it'd be easier to say, eh, what's 20 pounds?

KUDOS TO YOU for losing 60 already! WOWIE! That's awesome! :bravo:

With Medifast, you might get those pesky 20 off in just a month! Or two I bet!

Happy start week to you!
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Postby martha » September 28th, 2005, 9:00 pm


WELCOME!!!!!!! 60# gone already--WOW!! that's great :mrgreen: .. you should do great on MF and that last 20# will be gone before you know it..Glad to have you with us.. Martha
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Postby Crystal » September 28th, 2005, 9:24 pm

Hello, Lisa!!

It's nice to meet you. I can really relate to your story... I gained 70lbs during my first pregnancy, and have never been able to lose that last 15-20lbs...until now. I'm sure we can do it with Medifast, though...its just a matter of time! Keep up the great work!
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