i've got so much to learn, like how to get my picture to show, how to get a chart of my progess in my signature, etc, etc.
u guys never heard of a work spouse? u must not watch "king of queens"

well a work husband is a platonic hubby at work that understands u (translation, will whine & complain about crap around the office with u), goes to lunch with u, runs for coffee with u, updates u on th gossip, loans u money, borrows money (pretty much everything like real hubby but no nookie and no arguments). for a true, in-depth definition, see this article by GQ:
<snip>no urls please - mr. Snippy</snip>. i have a real husband too. a lot of ppl have work spouses but don't even realize it.
speaking of my real husband, he just called to inform me that my box has arrived! yeah! he was like "dang, it was a pretty big box". so it's a sunny day here in cali and i'm all ready for what tomorrow brings. i'll try to log on and give ya'll an update on how it's going...maybe i can be a member of the 2# or 3# club by monday!