Newbie from Indiana

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Newbie from Indiana

Postby JamietheLovely » July 9th, 2010, 2:46 pm

Hi everyone! My name is Jamie and I'm a newbie to the forums. Actually, I'm a major newbie to the program! I discovered the program available and decided to learn more about it -- because I don't really know that much about it. Essentially, I read the overall message of the company and fell in love with what it stood for. The first step (for me) was to actually meet people who enjoyed it -- hence why I joined the forum. I want to live a healthier life and lose weight in the process. So, how IS this program? It seems really great.

Hope to meet you all soon! I can't wait to see everyone's progress! :)
Jamie the Determined!
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Joined: July 8th, 2010, 12:32 pm

Re: Newbie from Indiana

Postby katieb920 » July 11th, 2010, 1:56 pm

This program is awesome. Just follow the rules and the weight will be BYE BYE, Just a few things, you will have headaches the first couple of days. Drink as much water as possible. Another important thing is, You might not like some of the product in the beginning But as time goes by your taste buds change. And then give it a try again. I could not stand the Hot chocolate and now it is my favorite.

You can do this.
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Re: Newbie from Indiana

Postby nickieluv » July 17th, 2010, 7:26 pm

I totally swear by MediFast. It is the only program I ever used (and I used a lot of them!) that gave me true weight loss - almost 70 pounds. However, I got pregnant with my second child and gained back everything plus a little more. Totally my fault, not the program's fault - they give you a solid transition plan, but I didn't use it, and then with the baby all bets were off. If you start, don't stop until you reach your goal - by far the easiest way to go. You will get yourself in the "MediZone" within a couple of weeks, where it becomes easier to resist temptation, and that strength is VERY hard to get back mentally if you 'take a break' from the diet. Good luck and if you need anything, just ask!
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