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Postby LilMsTexas » July 18th, 2005, 10:19 am

OMG THIS BITES!! I guess I have done pretty well the months that I have been on this as much as I've never been SO far off plan that I had to go back into the first three DEVIL DAYS!! :twisted:

BUT........since vacation.......ramping up for have had MORE than my share of "extras" :oops: So.........on Sunday I BEGAN AGAIN......right from the compliance initiated..........and LET THE FREAKING HEADACHES BEGINNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: OH MY GOSH I didn't think it could be this bad again. Well......truthfully it's not AS bad as it was the first time.......but it IS BAD :cry: I PROMISED myself that I would get to my goal REGARDLESS of what I looked like after surgery. I've worked to hard and come to far to give up now right??

So surgery took off 6lbs (143) leaving me 8lbs from my goal weight (135). I've lost 1lb so far leaving me with an obvious 7 to go ;) I'm at home for the next two weeks.........with my teenage son that eats NON STOP! GOOD LAWD this boy eats!! I am having FOODIE THOUGHTS and FOODIE DEMONS........being this close to goal is frustrating. So close I can "taste" it?? Oh my goodness.

Anyway.......just wanted you all to know what's going on with me these days. Surgery recovery is EXCELLENT. I tire easily but I'm AWESOME! I went through my closet today and OH DEAR I have a crisis on my hands before I go back to work. I NEED CLOTHES! Thankfully summer things are going on clearance already 8)

I am dedicated to my body because my spirit has been uplifted. I will meet my goal and VOW to never be more than 10lbs over weight EVER again! I hope to never be more than 5, but just in case it goes to 6 or 7 I don't want to feel defeated....know what I mean? All I know for today is that I have begun the 2nd to last phase of this journey.........the last few lbs before goal........then onto the REST OF MY LIFE!! Pray that I do not kill my family before I get back into ketosis :shock:
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby martha » July 18th, 2005, 10:45 am


WOW!!!!!! only 7.4# to your goal.. I can not even imagine being that close.. Good for you restarting the program and the headaches will leave in a few :x you should be at goal soon.. try Nancy's vicks under the nose trick for the smell of food driving you crazy :mrgreen: I love this idea.. anyway good luck this week..martha
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Postby want2Bthin » July 18th, 2005, 1:22 pm


I bet you will be entering the wonderful land of ketosis tomorrow & then you will feel fabulous again! :mrgreen: Sorry you have to deal with the headaches & hungries though. I am so proud of you for going on to reach your goal. I think it would be easy for me when I get that close to say- oh well, this is close enough. Ofcourse, I am depending on you all to make me go the distance! ;)

Thanks for the update.

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Postby sasafraz » July 18th, 2005, 1:26 pm


You are such a trooper. I have been reading about your journey to rid yourself of the belly monster and find your posts to be very encouraging when I have a weak moment. Hopefully those pesky headaches won't last too long. :yourock: Only 7 pounds to go to goal, oh how I pray for that day! :D

Take care.

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Postby LilMsTexas » July 18th, 2005, 2:59 pm

Well Angelia I hope you don't think you'll be able to give up because I simply won't have it!! :D All of ya'll have to meet me at the finish line!!

And Jamie......thank you for the kindness sweetie and I always love to hear I have been encouraging to someone. It is that same encouragement from others that got me here :D Do NOT talk yourself into an all out eat-a-thon during this journey and have to start over again. I had some unusual circumstances and I NEVER just went crazy, but I am still going through the "beginning hell" for me getting 100% back into compliance. Just go for it allllllllllllllllllllll the way!!

My headache is insane today but I've just had my LG meal and I'm feeling a tad better at the moment. I had to get online so I can order plane tickets for my son to go see his Nana and Papa......better get to it!

Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby LilMsTexas » July 19th, 2005, 5:30 am

Ok........well it's the dawn of day 3 and so far the headache hasn't arrived 8) I got on the scales this morning (as I have every single day since I started medifast except while in the hospital ;) ) and I'm down 3lbs since Sunday!!! WOOHOOOOO I feel all the excitement I did during my very first week on program!! Just 5lbs to goal and WOW WOW WOW I'm very excited :cheerleader:

Of course now I look at my goal and think "Should I go to 130 instead of 135?" I had struggled with my goal being 140 instead of 135 when it seemed so far away and so impossible to do (since I hadn't been smaller than 145 since 1997...and that was a fleeting moment). Now I sit here with 5lbs to go and think "what about 5 more?"

I'm wanting to get off a little extra before I start working out and really body sculpting because as we all know MUSCLE WEIGHS MORE THAN FAT.....and I will have to continue to tell myself that once I start BUFFING UP hehe.

Do you know how exciting or rather down right thrilling it is to be sitting here contemplating losing 5 or 10 more lbs? I mean WOW!! I feel so liberated :D

I think for now I will concentrate on the next 5 and actually REACH MY GOAL and then "decide" to do another 5 for good measure ;) Afterall.....our hero Nancy made it to 130 and we all KNOW how awesome SHE looks! 8)

Oh my gosh what a feeling this morning friends.

Oh..........and I tried on every article of clothing I owned yesterday......dang that took a long time. There were things that I was sooooooooooo hesitant to set aside for a yard sale because I loved them, and because I kept having the "will I NEVER wear this size again?"chat in my head. It was an emotional experience. So I am left with very little remaining clothes and none of them really fit, but I have to have SOMETHING to wear back to work. I'll buy a few tops to go with some smaller and elastic waist band pants I have to get me by until all the swelling is gone and I am completely at goal. I just wish I had all new thinny clothes at one time..........but this has been an expensive summer and it will take a little while to build up a new wardrobe. Does everyone realize how expensive PANTIES AND BRAS are??? :shock:

Anyway.......I'm obviously much time at home alone and all this excitement that no one in my family, including my husband and mother, seem to be able to deal with. Why isn't everyone in my life jumping up and down for joy the way I am? :? I don't know.....I just thought it would be different.

Ok......I'll stop going on and on now lol.
Ya'll have a great week and keep on losing!!
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby want2Bthin » July 19th, 2005, 8:46 am


I am jumping up & down in excitement for you!!! :bouncie: :bouncie: :bouncie: :bouncie: :bouncie: :bouncie: :bouncie:

I am so glad you are feeling better today! :clap: I had a hunch that today would be the big K day! I can't wait to see some more photos! 5 pounds from goal! What a great day this is for you! :yay:

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Postby LeeannNH » July 19th, 2005, 11:17 am

oh my goodness christi you are a hoot!

bras and panties are WAY expensive, especially if you want pretty ones :mrgreen: im used to getting the gigantic pack of hanes her way from walmart!! :roflmao:

i think it is awesome that you are "having" to deal with that "problem"-- . im looking forward to the day when i can go to victorias secret and buy something. the only problem is that my cup size is shrinking faster than anything else---ugh

also---way to go...only 5 more pounds! if i were you, id wait to see how you feel when you hit that goal before deciding to move it again....just my 2 cents!!
:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

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Postby Mommy2girls » July 19th, 2005, 2:34 pm


SO glad you are healing and recovering nicely and what a HUGE project to go through all the clothes. I simply have not done that yet. I believe it will be emotional and uplifting and exciting yet scary all at the same time. I did it before (when I did MF 7 years ago) and of course after 2 back to back pregnancies and gaining it back, there were definitely items that I wished I had not gotten rid of. But it's funny what we hold on to dearly thinking that we might need it later. That is great that you went through everything (and also indicates how quickly you are healing! 8)

Thanks for the update!

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Postby Alisha » July 20th, 2005, 7:36 am

Christi I'm so proud and pleased for you! I can only imagine how emotionally charged that closet cleaning must have been. I think I'll be a mixture of laughter and tears as I throw every single one of my FAT clothes into a big bin bag and drag them to the charity shop.

It's so funny you mentioned the lingerie. Oh don't I know it! I'm one of those "gain it everywhere" girls - including up top, and that has played havoc with my bank account! Trying to find a larger bra that doesn't look like a small awning is very frustrating and expensive! SO! I'm sticking with the small amount of 'stock' I have and instead of buying more, I'm going to save that money and have a shopping spree on Agent Provocateur when I hit goal! Talk about expensive but oh la la! I'm a vintage girl at heart and I love their things. I figure if I can lose 150lbs, then $20 on a pair of seamed cuban heeled stockings really doesn't seem so bad. ;)

I think you're fantastic and you should treat yourself. You've accomplished something many only dream about, including me, and if this isn't a time to splurge and indulge, I don't know what is! Now get out there to Victoria's Secret and get all femmed up with your beautiful flat stomach! :mrgreen:

I'm over the moon for you hun. All the best.

Alisha :rose:
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Postby missahc » July 20th, 2005, 5:49 pm


I am so proud of you for sticking with it. So many times we get an all or
nothing attitude and then start the weight creeping back up. You took stock and said....I'll have to begin again. It marvelous that you are so
close to goal...Congratulations.....
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Postby prata1973 » July 25th, 2005, 6:02 pm


I am a new member my name is Angie Prata. I am reading about your fantasic weigh loss so far and all you have been through it's incredible. I just finished my 3rd day on MF and I absoutly love it. I think it's so simple and hassle free. I am 26 years old and newly married on Valentine's Day in Las Vegas!! :D I have always been skinny or a "normal" size whatever that is?! But in the course of about 5-6 years I have put on 60-70 lbs. I went from being an active figure skater to a desk job and marring a chef! Yicks I gained 30 lbs just since I've been with my husband in the past two years!! Anyway I don't mean to ramble I just wanted you to know, that reading your story is such an inspiration!! Your only 5-10 lbs away from your goal and as I read I am envisioning the day I to will get there. I can't wait!!! Keep up the good work!

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Postby LilMsTexas » July 25th, 2005, 7:02 pm

Welcome and I'm so excited for you and everyone on the program with me. I wore a new outfit to see my surgeon today so she could see me in new size 8 capris :D I felt so PRETTY all day long!! It's nice to feel pretty again. I actually caught myself smiling at myself in the mirror trying on clothes the other day.......I mean I really just spontaneously awesome is that??!!

Take care of yourself sweetie.......the best is yet to come!

Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby sister » July 25th, 2005, 9:18 pm

Hi Christi, Sister here...

I have been away for most of the summer but always check in on things here. You are so amazing! I am so proud of you for following through with your plans and your goals. You look awesome and I know you feel fantastic. Just as important as your weight loss and appearance, I assume your diabetes is near nonexistent now. Isn't it great to not worry about the health issues of that? My mom has done really well and I think she's only on 1 pill a day now. She was on 4! And, she's lost 50 pounds.
This initial post of starting over like Medifast is all brand new inspired me to post again. I have never quit the program, I just went on a modified or maintenance plan. We've lived out of a suitcase for over a month! It's been really great though to know that the last two and a half months I maintained my weight loss I've acheived so far. In the past, I would have seen 10 or 15 pounds creep back on by now.
Anyway, my major summer distractions are over and I "restarted" 100% today. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but tomorrow being day 2, we'll see.
Thank you for always sharing and being so open and honest. You are truly an inspiration!
I'm at my half way mark and hope to be at goal by the first of the year. (65 more pounds off)

Thanks again for all you do here!

By the way, my Texas friend, I have "Rockies" in the closet calling my name everyday! Whether I ever wear them again or not, I don't care - I just want to know that they fit. :D
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Postby martha » July 26th, 2005, 9:34 am


I can still see you smiling !!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: keep up the great work and hope to see you post you are at goal any day now!!


WELCOME BACK!!!!!!! you have maintained so well so far.. glad you are back and not given up on Mf.. I can't wait to see less and less of you each week.. Have a great week..Martha


You will see those pounds melting away in no time :mrgreen: Congratulations on your new Marriage--Martha
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