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Postby anirtak_06 » May 5th, 2006, 2:34 pm

Hi everyone, my name is Katrina --- yes like the hurricane!! I am a newbee to medifast. I started the program 4 days ago and am about to lose my mind. I am HUNGRY, MOODY, TIRED, AND FEELING DESPERATE! I am trying really hard to behave. But, I am craving carbs anf sugar. I feel like I can't think straight. Please tell me all of this will get better. I really want this program to work. We are trying to get pregnant and this is our best option with PCOS --- according to my doctor. :x
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Postby Arklahoma » May 5th, 2006, 2:43 pm

Katrina, Welcome to MF and welcome to the boards. It was very hard for me at first, but got much better after the first week. I wish the same success for you and hope you'll stick it out. Come to the boards often and post.
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Postby electra000 » May 5th, 2006, 3:01 pm

:wavie: Hey Katrina !!! Welcome ! Glad you are here ! :wavie:

It helps when you are hungry to drink some water. I like to make the lipton peach tea to go. Really helps ! :beerbeer:
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Postby dede4wd » May 5th, 2006, 3:31 pm

Hi Katrina,

For almost everyone, it DOES get better! Just stick with it! My life got EXTREMELY better after day 5. There are quite a few ladies on the forum with a search and you can read about it.

I'm so glad you're here shakin' with us! Post often and we'll be here!

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Postby sheila » May 5th, 2006, 3:56 pm

Hi there, Katrina. Glad you are here. It will get better, I promise. This initial yucky feeling will pass. To get through it, just think of your goal, and keep reassurring yourself that it will get better, and that it is worth it to stick through the tough times. Hang in there!
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Postby FORMOMMY » May 5th, 2006, 4:40 pm

Welcome Katrina!! Hang in there - it WILL get better I promise!!!! And you will be thrilled with the results.
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Postby lifelovinaries » May 5th, 2006, 8:22 pm

Welcome Katrina...It DOES get better. Just try your best not to cheat the first week, if you do, it knocks you outta ketosis and makes that yucky feeling stick around. If you stay in ketosis, you stop craving the sugary and starchy stuff and the hunger goes away. Hang in there! And remember...we've got your back when you need us!

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Postby Nicole81 » May 5th, 2006, 11:07 pm

Hello and Welcome!!! I am one of the others on here who has PCOS. I also plan on trying to conceive once I get some of this weight off. I am hoping it will increase my chances. I wish you luck! It is not easy all the time but if you want a baby you can do it. Just ask yourself if you want the food you are craving or if you want a baby more. I am sure you want the baby more and a baby would definitley be more worth it! I know you can do this and you have come to the right place.
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Postby xwoman » May 6th, 2006, 8:01 am


First, just last 1 more week, tell yourself that everyday! Are you spicing up your meals, like the chicken n wild rice is great with a dash of curry. I am a ice tea FANATIC, I found an off brand Crystal Light and really used it yesterday, I loved how it tasted and when hungry drank it.

Your body is screaming in an addiction, the stuff you crave is doing this to you, just like a drug or alcohol addiction, carbs affect your brain chemistry, so if this was your loved one, and they were stopping drugs or cigarettes what would you tell them. Now tell yourself.

As you become clean ....and will feel so much better than ANY food ever tasted! YOU CAN DO THIS>>>>give the power to yourself, not the cravings.

I am online ALOT, pm if you need a pick me up, I will try to help, also busy yourself in betweeen meals doing things that you either love, like be online, play a game, or things tat you need to do like spring clean. IT will pass...BUT if you cheat, you have to go through this again :x

NO WAY! For today I am clean!

OH read the forum over and over and over, llok at the photos laugh at the fun stuff and DREAM about LEAN.
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Postby mamabear » May 6th, 2006, 9:49 am

:wave: Welcome!! Yes, it will get better, just hang in there, you CAN do it!
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It has gotten better

Postby anirtak_06 » May 10th, 2006, 4:10 pm

Thanks for all of your encouraging words ... it did get better and I lost 4 pounds for the week. The motivation continues!!
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Postby mamabear » May 10th, 2006, 8:45 pm

:whoohoo: That's awesome!!! :yay:
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Postby falisamarie » May 11th, 2006, 5:56 am

Glad to hear you are feeling better! You have and excellent incentive for getting the weight off plus when you do have that little one you will be healthy enough to run and play with him/her!

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Postby pixiewhispers » May 11th, 2006, 6:55 am

You can do it, just hang in there. I've been on the plan for five days, so I know what you are going through.
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Postby vb » May 11th, 2006, 4:30 pm

I have PCOS too, I have been on the plan a little over a month and have lost 18 pounds. The first week was the hardest, thankfully no one I knew was there to watch my complete breakdown in the bakery section of Safeway, I seriously wanted to eat everything there, but in the end I am glad that I have stuck with the program and it has made me very aware of what I eat. I also track what I eat at, seeing how many calories are in something makes me think twice before eating it, especially since it will be on my food log staring back at me.

My question is (to anyone out there with PCOS) are you still taking Metformin while on Medifast? If so, what have your results been? Because of the PCOS was your weight loss slower than others reported? One of my main reasons for signing up for Medifast was the outcome of studies of people w/diabetes on medifast, I am surprised that there has not been more written about people w/PCOS on medifast since insulin resistance and weight gain are huge aspects of it. Maybe we could all be case studies!
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