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Getting the Water down

Postby forevertodds » January 5th, 2006, 6:41 am

It helps me to think about the fact :idea: that the more water you drink, the better the program works. I have put a 64 OZ pitcher in my fridge that I fill each night. That way I know I need to AT LEAST finish that off, but I have been doing that by later afternoon and getting extra down. Each time I think about a Diet Rite now, I try to have a full glass of water first, then if I still want it, I sip on it for a few minutes and usually end up tossing about half of it!!! :lol:
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Postby AnnaKat » January 5th, 2006, 8:35 am

I confess, I'm a restarter. Hoping to succeed this time... NEEDING to succeed this time. :goodluck:

Good Luck Everyone!

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Postby Nancy » January 5th, 2006, 12:17 pm

AnnaKat ~

When ya know ya NEED to succeed, you will!

You can!

Wanting to succeed, liking to succeed, thinking about succeeding are not the same as NEEDING to succeed.

When ya NEED it more than a burger and fries, when ya NEED it more than a pizza, you WILL succeed.
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