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Postby nickieluv » June 21st, 2006, 2:37 pm

Hi - sorry to butt in, I don't know if it's OK to post here, but....

I have been on Medifast for 6 days including today. I've lost five pounds, but I gained back two last night after a terrible cheat - really terrible, as in I didn't even enjoy it. I've been off-schedule with my supplements the last two days due to life in general, and I have a question.

Do I have to have a lean and green meal, or can I just do six supplements a day sometimes? I've read that you can't shortchange yourself or it's just as bad as overeating, but some days (especially in the heat) I don't feel like having to chew. :-) Pure laziness.

Do I have to choose one or the other - all supplements all the time, or always have a "real" meal, or can I switch back and forth depending on my mood?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give - so far I really like this and I can see myself sticking to it long-term. Also - other than one bar a day, are there any other limits? I really like the strawberry shakes and could have six a day, but will that hurt my nutrition if I don't have more variety?
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Postby Aerie » June 21st, 2006, 2:46 pm

It is my understanding that you can switch back and forth with no problems, but if you are doing a significant amount of 6/0 you should definitely make an appt to discuss it with you Dr. first.
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Postby nickieluv » June 21st, 2006, 2:54 pm

OK, so I'm already adding more questions.

Can I have two supplements at the same time to get them all in, or less than two hours apart? Tonight I only have three hours left before I go to bed, and three more meals I'm supposed to have. What do I do?

As a clarification to my earlier question, too, about having some days where I only have supplements - yesterday I wanted a shake, but I'd already had a shake for the day, and I thought if I had another one I'd be cheating. So instead I ordered Pizza Hut - like that's better!! But I'm big on following rules and since I thought I'd be breaking one anyway with a shake, I thought I might as well just say "screw it" and eat whatever I wanted for dinner. And as I mentioned, it wasn't nearly as satisfying as my meals on Medifast have been, so I don't think I'll have a problem with cheating again soon, as long as I make it through the next three days starting over again.

I tend to ramble, but I guess - has anyone else had this happen? Is anyone else as anal as I am, and how have you overcome it? What are the hard-and-fast-can't-ever-break-em rules to this thing, and what are the it's-a-good-idea-but-you-don't-have-to-or-if-you-miss-a-day-it's-OK rules?
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Postby pinkflamingonewsgirl » June 21st, 2006, 3:10 pm

no, you need to wait 2 or 3 hours between each supplement. You can have any supplement throughout the day. You could do 5 shakes if you wanted to...though I don't know why you'd want to. As long as they're spaced out. You can also do 6 & 0, where you replace your lean and green with a supplement. But that takes a lot of will power, so if you do that, all power to ya! You can do it, eh!
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Postby dede4wd » June 21st, 2006, 3:28 pm

Hi Nickieluv,
Glad you've joined us! Feel free to register at the bottom of the forum (it's free) that way you can see pictures and weight-loss tickers, send private messages and receive them and such!

As for the meals. I do the 6/0 a couple of times per week. My doc said it was okay. I don't do it a lot though because I like the "real world training" I get about portion sizes and how much I should be eating in "real life" at a sitting with the L & G!

As for 2 meals together. May I suggest that you space your other meals shorter together going every 2 hours or so if necessary so you don't run out of day before you run out of meals. If you still had 3 MF meals left that late, that may be the culprit why you ordered pizza hut! This program is so great because if we space out our meals right, then after the first 3 days, most of the hunger is gone and we just feel good!

Yes, you can do 5 strawberry shakes a day if you'd like, but you might get bored! I have a friend that does 5 puddings a day! All MF meals have all the vitamins and minerals and everything! Plus the soy protein is good for appetite supression!

Feel free to PM me if you need ANYTHING!

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Postby nickieluv » June 21st, 2006, 4:17 pm

Thank you D for the info. I am now registered - it was staring me in the face, but I couldn't find the "register" button until you said something. Must not have been looking for the right thing.

Pink said I can't have my meals closer together - so what do I do when I get off in my timing? I have an 11-month old at home and if she needs me, I can't just take off and make something. Add to that my work schedule as a teacher (anticipating here, we're out for the summer but I know it will be an issue when I return) and I can see myself having three meals left after 5pm pretty often. I'm shooting for every 2 1/2 hours for meals, but sometimes it's more like 4.

I'm going to try to adjust - like eating early if I have a free moment, rather than take the chance I'll wind up eating too late - but do I just need to only have five meals on my off days? How badly will that screw this up?
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Postby pinkflamingonewsgirl » June 21st, 2006, 4:33 pm

It's recommended that you go no further than 4 hours between meals. The program would rather you do 2-3, but Medifast is very understanding. I've gone 4 hours between before. Honestly, if you go any more than that, you'll start to feel it. Hope this helps.
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Postby MyFriendTT » June 22nd, 2006, 12:42 pm

Hi and Welcome!!!

When I have a BUSY day, I'll do a few of the following:

Make shakes ahead of time and keep them in the frig, or freezer (they need a while to thaw so I use this method for those I need to drink that have to sit in my car) so they are ready to be sucked down at the right time.

Make "oatmeal cookies/pancakes" - they are portable.

Cook up a bunch of chicken breast strips on the George Foreman and wrap them in romaine leaves in 7oz. portions in tupperware.

I also set an alarm on my watch so that I know I'm eating every 3 hours and that works great. And I try to eat at the same time every day so that I know if its X o'clock, time to eat.

Hope that helps.

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Postby DogMa » June 22nd, 2006, 2:15 pm

I would also suggest that you order some Ready to Drink shakes - they're lifesavers for people with busy schedules. You can also make up some of the meals - like the pudding - ahead of time, so it's ready when you are.

And don't worry about having a meal very late in the day, too - even right before bed. This isn't like other plans, where they recommend you not eat late at night.

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Postby Elke » June 22nd, 2006, 4:54 pm

Hi, everything I was gonna suggest has already been said so I will just say Welcome :) Be strong and stick to it.
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Postby Seemelose » June 22nd, 2006, 7:12 pm

Medi-fast recommends that you have your first meal no longer then one hour after you get up. Maybe starting early will help you get them all in.
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Postby nickieluv » June 23rd, 2006, 11:14 am

Thank you all for your help and suggestions. I'm having a rough time getting into this, but I am determined to keep trying!! I actually like the supplements, so that's not the problem. Nights kill me. I've always been an evening eater - skipping all meals until about 5, then eating all night. So, eating during the day is new for me (other than sporadic other diet attempts). Making it worse is my husband working evenings, and being out of the house from 2:30pm till after midnight - my prime craving time. Add to that being home alone with the baby, who saps my energy and sometimes frustrates me, and all my emotional eating habits surface, too. It just seems like it would be easier or make me happier to eat junk. Can you be addicted to eating out? If so, I am - it calls to me, and I go out of my way to do it, even spending money I shouldn't and sacrificing my health. If there are those reading this that have found good ways to deal with these things other than depending on willpower, please help!
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Postby Joelie » June 23rd, 2006, 11:27 am

Hi Nickie and...


TONS of great advise already given. Wanted to jump in and welcome ya! ;)
As far as willpower goes, you just gotta take control and do it! :thumbsup:
Don't cave. Give your body some time to adjust to all the changes happening. The cravings and urges etc will subside. No doubt about it! ;)
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