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New too!

Postby bk » January 19th, 2005, 9:37 am

Hi everyone! I'm new here, too! I tried Medifast a couple times in the past, but never really had the willpower, probably because I was unwilling to avoid social situations (or explanations) that would interfere with my program. I just finished my first week and have dropped ten pounds! I used the ready-to-drink to kick off my first week. No fooling, no choice, just doing. It was really easy to do, far easier than my easier tries. I barely even had the headaches, etc. at the beginning!

I've got my mind in it, and I have the time (unemployed, etc. etc.). Unlike in the past, I explained to my best friends that I was on a strict diet. They don't really need to know all the details, and I don't need to hear that it's bad for me, or be sabotaged. I usually cook dinner with one of my friends, and he just thinks that part of my diet is eating earlier than we normally did.

Anyways, I wanted to share with you that you can get one of those tupperware-like shakers (with the insert) at Target. They're ten bucks, but if you don't have easy access to Tupperware or don't want to wait to order online, it's worth it. My shaker jar was broken, and I was never really satisfied with its shaking power. This totally mixed it up! You can look at it <snip>no urls - email bk for details - Mr. Snippy</snip>
But one word of caution - test out the lid first! Some don't want to go back on all the way.

One benefit I have seen is that I have more energy, and more mental clarity. Although this go-round was not spurred by a New Year's resolution (my cousin, who is like my sister, weighs a lot like me, and had a pre-diabetes scare. We both decided to stop screwing around and lose weight), one of my resolutions - to start & keep a journal - has been ridiculously helpful. I have a small pocket-size journal and I printed out some labels with space for date, weight, time of shakes, number of waters drank. I just slap my label in the journal and I'm ready to record all my particulars. It can go anywhere so I can record what was a challenge, how I was feeling, etc.

Just one note. I put 1?? in my signature because I have no idea how much I actually need to lose. I'm 4'11" (well, actually 4'10 3/4", but I'm not going to quibble). The ideal weight for my height is 99-123 or thereabouts. Seriously. It makes me laugh every time I see it. So I'm not setting a goal weight. When I was 16 (I'm 26 now), I was 180, 175 if I was lucky, and there are lots of pictures of me looking great (I was ALWAYS a fat kid. unfortunately I thought I was MUCH fatter than I actually was. If anyone had bothered to tell me how great I was looking [because I had lost weight!], perhaps I might have known). So I'll get there and then start evaluating.

Thanks for listening!

p.s. My grandparents are having a big 50th wedding anniversary bash in August. One of my main goals is to make it that long and shock the holy crap out of my entire family! :)
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Postby explorthis » January 19th, 2005, 11:39 am

ideal weight for my height is 99-123 or thereabouts. Seriously. It makes me laugh every time I see it.

Hey BK, Welcome!! Good for you this is working, it did for me. I gotta laugh a little at your final resting number (99-123) and if you choose the middle of this spectrum, (about 110) this would be the number I lost on Medifast. I lost a whole 4’ 10-3/4” (I am quibbling) person!!

Again, welcome. This is the support of all support places!

Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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