New to the board, concerned about cost for MF

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New to the board, concerned about cost for MF

Postby nit2win » May 3rd, 2005, 11:32 am

Hello all, I have been reading different posts on this site, and I really want to give MF a try. I recently lost my job, but still want to start on the program. I need to deperately lose 100lbs. after 2 big babies and two C-sections. I have always been sort of heavy, but I am at my biggest now. I do not know what size I wear, because I refuse to buy any new clothes. But I do know, that I cannot fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes and they are 18/20s. I am soo deperate to get this weight off. I have comtemplated having the Lap Band surgery, but thought that I would try one more thing before taking such drastic measures. I have one concern though, I notice that with the program that you drink 5-6 shakes/day, and that is almost an entire box. Unless I am interpreting this wrong, that can be very expensive. Is there a cheaper approach to this plan. As I stated, I am very eager to get this weight off, but right now, my husband is the only one working, and we really cannot afford alot of things right now. I am actively seeking employment, so hopefully this will not be the case for too much longer. I wish that I could sell Medifast myself. I know that I could make a killing, and use my profit to buy my own products. Any suggestions?
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Postby doglover » May 3rd, 2005, 12:20 pm

Hi there! I am on the complete program (6 meals per day) and spend $200 at a time. This amount of supplies lasts me about 2-3 weeks. The other option is the 5:1 program w/ 5 meals in a day and then one lean/green on your own. I find it pretty inexpensive considering I am not eating out a lot anymore and if you have no kids you may save money on your own grocery bill!

I'm sure Nancy will give you lots more ideas. Have you talked w/ your insurance co. to see if they have a program to help w/ this? Some ins. co's are going w/ preventative programs now.

Good luck on your decision!
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Postby fatBgone » May 3rd, 2005, 12:31 pm

Hi Nit2win,

I was actually concerned about spending this much on a diet when I first started also, but I think it's actually saving me money. (sounds weird....but I used to eat out for lunch almost every day) I have 5 supplements a day and one meal, so I'm not having to buy any food for me at restaurants or at the grocery store. Also, when I go to the movies or take my kids out to eat or for ice cream - our bill is always less now, since I'm not buying anything for me anymore. I had tried LA Weight Loss before this and had to pay "program" costs and then go and BUY all the foods I was supposed to eat at the grocery store, so I think that is alot more expensive than this. I understand though that if you're not wasting alot of money on that other stuff, then coming up with $200 a month might sound like alot, but it's probably a close comparison as to what you spend on food anyway - and you get the bonus of losing the weight. I'm not sure, but I think that if you order a starter kit - you can get $80 off of your 1st order - which ends up making each meal less than $1.75. (I think that special is going on until the end of May - but check here on the website under the "Shop Now" was like that in March when I did my 1st order, but I'm pretty sure they extended it, just not 100% sure, since it doesn't apply to me anymore.) Well, good luck with your decision.....and hopefully you'll be able to figure out a way to get on the plan. It's definitely cheaper than the surgery...and then again, your insurance might even cover it. I didn't even think of that...but I might check into in for me too. I'm always looking for a bargain!! :)
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Postby bk » May 3rd, 2005, 12:51 pm

don't forget! case discounts are 10% and autoship discount starts at 5% off. use any coupons they currently have available because they're the best deal.

here's a question - do you spend any money on alcohol? if so, you'll be saving a bundle!

even if you don't consider yourself a person who eats out frequently, a couple times over the month REALLY adds up.
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Cost of MF.

Postby Jan » May 3rd, 2005, 12:58 pm

Hi there, I know that the cost of M.F. can be a concern -- my daughter is on the plan (she's a poverty stricken pre -med student ) and I'm on the plan too. My daughter tells me she can't believe all the $$$ she spent gaining the weight. I find the cost to be about the same as my grocery bill-- maybe a tiny bit more-- but then when I c onsider that I don't eat in restaurants anymore -- certainly not fast food and the impulse buys are no longer there -- Starbucks lattes etc I probably break even and sometimes save. Plus I know I won't have to be on the 5 & l for ever -- I probably will always use a few things so the main cost is temporary I guess the main thing is that sometimes we need to do something for ourselves and our health. The long term costs of being overweight are very high - I know that doesn't help pay the bill right now but I think sometimes we have to make big adjustments in our spending to get healthy-- Good luck
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Postby Nancy » May 3rd, 2005, 2:37 pm

Dear Nit2Win ~

Losing weight has never been easier than with Medifast – it is a simple plan to follow, it is easy to prepare the food, it tastes good, it makes it possible to stick to the plan because after a relatively short period of time hunger goes away and you lose weigh fast.

Lap band surgery seemed very drastic to me also and yet for some, a meal replacement program seems drastic. It is really a matter of perspective. When a person is truly desperate, they sometimes do drastic things. I did and I am glad that I did it.

Expensive? Well, I thought so, too before I began my journey to wellness. It costs about $2 a meal replacement – and yes, it is nearly a whole box of product a day for people on the complete meal replacement program. I don’t know how much you spend now on a daily basis for food, vitamins and medications – including all the junk food – drinks, snacks, fast food, chips, coffee, and everything you put into your mouth but Terry and I discovered that we actually saved money Medifasting. We saved our health and our lives – that’s something you can’t put a price on. We wanted it bad enough to just do it.
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Postby nit2win » May 3rd, 2005, 2:38 pm

Well, I do not drink alcohol, never have. I do not eat out alot either. We mostly eat out on the weekend, during the week I cook. And to add more coal to the fire, I have no insurance. I was considering the surgery when I was working. I know this is complicated, but health does come first. What scares me is one post read, she spends $200 for a 2-3 week supply. In a month thats's $400. That is our car note. I know we cannot afford that right now. I think that I need to wait until I am working again. But I will continue to come to the board, and root from the sidelines for others. Thanks for your responses.
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Postby want2Bthin » May 3rd, 2005, 3:25 pm


I can relate to the financial crunch you are in. I was in a bad car accident in Nov, 2004. I have not been able to go back to work yet (6 months later). My husband is having to carry the household financially now.

However, I hope you can try to put this in your budget soon. I am so thankful that I started this program. We certainly have been a little low on funds but we have figured out ways to make it fit in.

We hardly eat out at all now. And your grocery bill will go down alot. I do the 5 and 1 so I eat my lean & green every day. Our grocery bill has went down by half and I still have a hubby and daughter to feed. I don't know about your situation but I use to spend lots of money on my little cravings that I would have. I would send the hubby to the store by candy bars or icecream quite often. Those days are gone too.

The way I see it is if you have to give up things like cable or eating out at all to go on this program, it will be well worth it. You will be very pleased if you start this journey.

I will be praying for you to find the extra funds in your budget to get going. And as far as the insurance goes, I am without now too. After the car accident I couldn't go back to work- no FT work- no health insurance. The hoot of it all is my hubby sells health and life insurance. We are getting ready to purchase private health insurance as we speak. That will be an extra expense too but we will figure it all out. Good luck.

One other thing, it cost me about $300 to $325 per month for my supps.

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