
Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.


Postby LUVZHUZKYZ » November 6th, 2003, 9:13 am

Hi Everyone!
I am new, and this is my sorta first day on medifast. I started yesterday, with full plans of doing modified. But when I started eating dinner, I realized I was so hungry I ate too much :x . So, today I have intentions of doing full fast. :D
What can I do to squash the hunger the first few days? Has anyone tried bullion :?:
I am 5'2'' with a plan of losing 65 pounds.
Has anyone used the bars? and if so are they worth buying?
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Re: New

Postby explorthis » November 6th, 2003, 11:07 am

LUVZHUZKYZ wrote:this is my sorta first day on medifast.

But when I started eating dinner, I realized I was so hungry I ate too much

So, today I have intentions of doing full fast.

What can I do to squash the hunger the first few days?

Has anyone tried bullion

Has anyone used the bars? and if so are they worth buying?

Howdy Husky lover (hope that means the dog's)
First, you must realize this is a diet like none you have ever done.
Second, realize you WILL loose more weight, and loose that weight faster than any diet you have ever been on.
Third, you have to decide to go at it 100% and not look back (except at your baggy-non fitting old clothes.

Until you pass the 3-4 days, till your body is in that "mild" ketosis state you will feel slightly hungry. This will pass (I promise)

I opted for the FULL FAST, day 59 for me, and other than a little more creamer in my coffee than necessary, and an ocassional (sometimes more than ocassional) sugar free breath mint, I have eaten nothing. I chose not to eat any bars, or do the modified plan, as I want the weight off fast. If you can have the will power (and you can - if you put your mind to it) you can/will succeed. If you can shave 2-3-4 weeks off your diet, by FASTING, instead of doing the midified plan, would it be worth it?

AS for bullion, I have 2 cups every evening. I have heard

My 2 cents, but remember it does WORK - I promise.

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Postby Ellen » November 6th, 2003, 11:50 am


Welcome! The first few days are the hardest and then the hunger really does go away. I still get occasional bouts of hunger, and occasional cravings, but quite often I have to remind myself to have all my shakes, so it really does get better.

I swore that bouillon was my best friend during those first few days. I really like the Wylers bouillon granules. They are available at Super Walmart and at most grocery stores. They taste MUCH better than the cubes, but they the same calorie break down. Have your two cups a day in the beginning, they really help with the hunger.

I personally love the bars, others don't. So, you may want to try just ordering a few to get started. My favorites are Oatmeal Raisin, followed by Chocolate Devine and Chocolate Mint. Lemon are OK also.

I also really felt that the crackers helped a lot in the beginning. Having a cup of bouillon and a package of crackers really satisfies both the hunger cravings and the desire to actually "eat".

I also strongly recommend the Chicken Noodle Soup. I cook it a little longer to soften up the chicken pieces (I think they're actually soy, but hey, it's food!) and I add an extra half cup of water and a scant teaspoon of bouillon granules. I am really full for hours after this.

Remember your stomach is shrinking right now, so just try to hang in there for a few days. You can do anything for a few days right???

Drink all your water, treat yourself to some fun diet sodas and distract yourself from the hunger by looking through catalogs and deciding what kind of skinny clothes you're going to buy next spring!

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Postby Lois » November 6th, 2003, 8:36 pm

Hello and WELCOME 8) !!!!!!!!!

Today is the end of day #3 for me, so I am over the hump.....YOU CAN DO THIS!

I was hungriest the first day and had a mild headache. By day #2 the headache was gone and my hunger was settling down, too.

Today I felt GREAT.

Try not to go too long between shakes.....and bullion and diet soda definitely helps. So does staying busy, taking a nap, or a soak in the bathtub.


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Postby Nancy » November 11th, 2003, 12:57 am

I opted for the FULL FAST, day 59 for me, and other than a little more creamer in my coffee than necessary, and an ocassional (sometimes more than ocassional) sugar free breath mint, I have eaten nothing. I chose not to eat any bars, or do the modified plan, as I want the weight off fast. If you can have the will power (and you can - if you put your mind to it) you can/will succeed. If you can shave 2-3-4 weeks off your diet, by FASTING, instead of doing the midified plan, would it be worth it?

I have a comment regarding your comment, Mike. The full fast actually refers to an eating plan using all Medifast meal replacements and no regular food. Having soup, oatmeal or bars IS just as much the full fast as having five - 7 shakes a day. The Modified Plan as used by the Johns Hopkins University in their obesity programs, is the one that the abstract is taken from – the average weight loss for men during 16 weeks is 67 pounds and 47 pounds for women. Most of the people we know have lost more than the average. In many ways, I think that the modified plan is best as it keeps the stomach motating along. Be very careful when adding back foods if you do the full fast. Follow the transition portion to the letter. Please check out my November Newsletter for further comments regarding transition!
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Re: New

Postby explorthis » November 11th, 2003, 8:02 am

Nancy wrote:I have a comment regarding your comment, Mike. The full fast actually refers to an eating plan using all Medifast meal replacements and no regular food. Having soup, oatmeal or bars IS just as much the full fast as having five - 7 shakes a day. The Modified Plan as used by the Johns Hopkins University in their obesity programs, is the one that the abstract is taken from

Definition of Fasting:
To abstain from food.
To eat very little or abstain from certain foods, especially as a religious discipline.

John who? Call it what you want, I opted forthe FULL FAST, my choice, my comment, my (use of) forum. Having soup or otmeal might be "just as much as the full fast" as you choose to say, but for me, FASTING is not eating. I chose not to eat, thus the full fast. I am not perfect, and have errored in the past, but not now.

Your comment to me, sounded like it was a little derogotory, as in I was doing it wrong?!?! I chose again to fast, not to eat (to abstain from food). People here are asking/seeking opinions "thus the weight loss forum" and I posted my 2 cents (more like 50 cents).

Having "five - 7" as you put it shakes per day, is your choice, or anyone elses choice. My plan is my plan. I come here for support, not for lecturing on weather I am eating otmeal, or soup or not.

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Re: New

Postby VK » November 11th, 2003, 8:37 am

Definition of Fasting:
To abstain from food.
To eat very little or abstain from certain foods, especially as a religious discipline.

Not to get into the middle of anything here, but I really think Nancy was just trying to clarify the terms for a newbie and for others that might read these messages later. I too am only taking the shakes, although I did have the modified plan (salad and meat) on Sunday for dinner. I don’t think Nancy was trying to nudge you into eating oatmeal or soups, just trying to clarify that any of the Medifast products are technically part of the full fast for the program. Under the definition of fasting you’ve given, the Medifast full fast (eating/drinking any or all of the Medifast products) IS abstaining from certain foods, and those certain foods are anything that isn’t a Medifast product.

I’m not lecturing because I’m like you in that I don’t want to eat anything - oatmeal, soup, bars, crackers or whatever, because I think I’ll be more inclined to eat other things. I don’t want the Medifast soup to remind me of some other great soup I’ve had somewhere and then next thing you know, I’m at a restaurant having a big ole platter of something or another that I shouldn’t have eaten.

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Postby Jeanette » November 11th, 2003, 9:02 am

Woah Mike! :coach:

I agree with Vonni. I don't think Nancy was trying to tell you that YOU weren't doing it right. She was just reassuring the rest of us that we are indeed on the full fast if we use only MediFast products.

You know your demons :twisted: better than anyone else. If solid food in any form could send you out of commission, then it is better to not have anything solid pass your lips.

Your mileage may vary....

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Postby Unca_Tim » November 12th, 2003, 9:54 am

Youch Mikey!
Did you still have a hangover on that last post?..... :buddies:

John who?

The leading obesity clinic in the US

Definition of Fasting:
To abstain from food.

If we were talking about a dictionary definition of fasting, we'd be on a water diet on top of a mountain with a Hopi Indian.

Nancy's talking about the Medifast definition of "Full Fast".

Your comment to me, sounded like it was a little derogotory, as in I was doing it wrong?!?!

If you knew Nancy at all, that's the last thing you'd say....

I come here for support, not for lecturing on weather I am eating otmeal, or soup or not.

Sometimes support can include a good lecture...

You musta had a case of the grumps, or maybe the way she posted it
(she can be a little 'puterly impaired at times... :hammer: ) but her intent certainly wasn't derogotory or critical.

We all value your support and inspiration here, but don't make me come over there and give you a good noogie.....:)

Wait a minute...scratch're still a bit big for me to handle yet

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Postby susan » November 12th, 2003, 4:22 pm

hey ,everone i am staying out of this one . but just remsmber were on on t he same side and striving for the same thing to get skinney so :) :) :) and keep shaking .Susan
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Postby explorthis » November 12th, 2003, 4:40 pm

Feeling those little hairs on the back of my neck come up again, but refraining...

Now I am taking a bashing from the Board OP?

Tim, Nancy and I smoked the peace pipe eariler, see the "whoa" subject....

I apologized, as I was in the wrong. Ocassionally we do error ?!?!

As for John Hopkins U, I know who this is, I did not just fall off the turnip truck.

Anytime you feel like attempting a "noogie" on me feel free......

I am "shakin" (pun intended)

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Postby Unca_Tim » November 13th, 2003, 9:12 am

Hi Mike,
I didn't see the whoa before i posted. Glad you guys got that settled.

I probably woulda thrown in my 2 cents anyway. Nancy's too nice a lady not to have commented on that one.

Keep shakin'...... :lol:

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