Hi! I'm new

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Hi! I'm new

Postby chinadoll » January 20th, 2006, 11:31 am

I just started MF yesterday. So far so good, of course it has only been 1 day but I am planning on many, many more.

Little about myself, I have been overweight (obese) for way too long, probably almost 1/2 my life and at age 40 I don't want to be like this any longer.
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Postby Hyperion » January 20th, 2006, 11:36 am


Welcome, you've come to the right place, and if you give enough time for MF to make it's way through your body, it will begin to melt all of this life-stealing fat away!
Began: 2005-11-03
Finished: Never

Went to 150, then began gym to build some muscle; currently 173.8! (Need to cut some fat)

<b>Discipline is the art of choosing between what you want now, and what you want the most.</b>
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Postby SueInSLO » January 20th, 2006, 12:16 pm

Welcome Chinadoll!!


Good Luck and come back to read often. I've gone back and read lots of the old posts and there is some GREAT information and inspiration to be found.

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Postby chinadoll1965 » January 20th, 2006, 12:17 pm

Thanks. I started yesterday and when I weighed myself this morning the scale said 5 pounds lost. I know it is water weight, but it was motivating to see the scale move.
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Weight loss

Postby Jan » January 20th, 2006, 1:54 pm

Hi there,
Don't worry you and the pounds will be parting company soon. Weight loss is by no means a linear journey -- sometimes you lose more than others but on this program it is quite quick and very very safe. You'll do great. :D
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Postby sidrah » January 21st, 2006, 10:39 pm

Soon that scale will creep under 200 and you will see that it is for real!!! Congratulations on your success so far :bravo: Keep on going.
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