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i'm new

Postby victoria7 » May 23rd, 2005, 6:09 pm

hi there,

i just made my order and am looking forward to starting the program. :-) i'm hoping that it will all arrive in time to start on june 1st.

i'm 5'7", i weigh 230lbs and wear a size 18. just 5 short years ago, i weighed 140 and wore a size 7/9.

i was suffering from undiagnosed sleep apnea, but didn't know it. unfortunately, as i suffered from sleep deprivation, my activity level decreased until it was close to nothing. then, as my activity level decreased, i started to gain weight. then, as i gained weight, my sleep apnea got worse and i began to suffer more and more. classic viscous circle!

i'm now having treatment for my sleep apnea and now that my sleep deficit is decreasing, as i get more restorative sleep, i'm so excited to be in a place where i feel like i can do something about my excess weight!!! i started going to curves about a month ago and have been going twice a week. it's not enough.

i'd like to lose a substantial amount of weight by this fall and i am super-dedicated to doing so.

i'm glad i've found this forum and i appreciate all of the posts that i've already read.

wish me good loss!

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Postby want2Bthin » May 23rd, 2005, 6:31 pm


Welcome! You will love this forum. Everyone here is so caring. Good luck to you and I hope you get your package soon.

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Postby fatBgone » May 23rd, 2005, 8:24 pm

You've found the perfect solution for you. Losing weight on this plan is alot easier than you might imagine....the foods taste good, you're never hungry, this group of gals (& a few guys) are totally AWESOME!!

If you placed your order today, you should definitely have it by 6/1 - so get ready for the flab to start flingin!! :-P

Welcome and come visit us often - even while you're waiting for your goody box!!
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Postby Nancy » May 23rd, 2005, 9:15 pm

Victoria ~

There are a number of people aboard here with :snooze: sleep apnea - some are former sleep apnea-ers and some still require the C-Pap to help them to breathe and sleep soundly.

:secret: If you use a machine you may need to have the air pressure adjusted as you lose the lardage.

You will have a wonderfully thinny weight loss adventure and smaller fall clothes to look forward to if you keep your commitment to stick to the plan.

Welcome! :byebye:
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Postby victoria7 » May 23rd, 2005, 9:50 pm

Thank you for the replies! I feel so lucky to have found this lovely little stop on the information highway and such kind people. I know that I definitely need support and the experience of knowledgeable people.

Oooo... Nancy, I am so looking forward to all of those new clothes! I'm planning on wearing some pretty cool clothes at the yearly festival I go to in September. :-) and I definitely see leather pants in my wardrobe future. Mostly, though, I'll just be glad to be able to move around like I used to!!!

I'll post again when I get my supplies. :-) In the meantime, I'll keep motivated---I've already marked this site as #1 on my favorites list!

Thank you!
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Postby Nancy » May 23rd, 2005, 10:08 pm

Okie dokie!

You're a skosh taller than I am and I weighed 35 pounds more than you did - see, if I can do it, you CAN too!

Fall is my favorite season - it may take a while to drop those 90 pounds but you can totally make it by fall if you begin strong and go for the goal - no stops along the way!
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Postby DonicaB » May 24th, 2005, 7:01 am

fatBgone wrote: - so get ready for the flab to start flingin!! :-P

:roflmao: Too funny, Lisa!! :roflmao:

Victoria~~you've really got to look out for the flingin flab around here, because there is a lot of it. You never know when you are gonna whacked in the face with someone's flingin flab. Why, just yesterday I nearly had my eye taken out by Lisa's flingin flab. :coach: LISA, WATCH WHERE YOU ARE FLINGIN THAT STUFF.

Seriously, welcome aboard. You will find this forum to be vital to your success. At least I know it is for me. This group of people are absolutely wonderful and caring.......and supportive........and well, just wonderful.

Glad to have you.

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Sleep Apnea

Postby Jan » May 24th, 2005, 8:20 am

Hi Victoria,
I'm happy to see you on the forum. I too have sleep apnea and have had it for quite some time -- at least 10 years. Mine was undiagnosed for quite some time too!! I don't use the C-Pac machine -- not because I don't need it but rather because I have such claustrophobia that I take it off every time I fall asleep :x I had pretty much resigned myself to being tired :x and somewhat "fluffy" :? :? It's not really too easy to part with the pounds with the apnea ( my metabolism is SLOW --because it has to be)-- BUT I'm happy to report this program is REALLY working for me -- down 30 pounds and I must be sleeping much better because I wake up at about 7:00 ready to go!!!
I'LL be watching to see how great you do too!!
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Postby victoria7 » May 24th, 2005, 1:12 pm

Hi Jan,

Fluffy! Tee hee hee... That's what my mom calls me... :-) "You're just fluffy." She means well...

The folks over at talkaboutsleep.com are great! They helped me sooo much with becoming compliant with my machine. There are nightly chats & a message board.

I had that same mask problem at first & it's taken about 3 months for me to be able to sleep through the night with my xPap mask on my face... With a lot of work along the way (desensitization was the major key for me---wearing it while I was awake). For me, Apnea treatment had to be the first priority. I have it very severely... :-(

How long have you been on the MF program?

Do you think the Apnea came first or the weight? In my case, the apnea was first... So, even after I lose the weight, I'll have to use the machine...

If the weight caused your apnea, you won't need the machine after you lose your weight...

Thanks for your reply! I'm so pleased I found this place!

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Sleep Apnea

Postby Jan » May 24th, 2005, 5:08 pm

Hi Victoria
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea when I was relatively thin -- 20 lbs less than right now after a 30 lb loss! So 50 lbs ago. I've probably always had it. I spent 3 nights in thes leep lab and it was determined I wake myself about every 10 seconds :cry: But, I have really good lungs so my oxygen rate doesn't drop too much -- that's how I get away without
the mask. I'll have to try some new technology when it becomes available-- I'm ao claustrophobic I can't even sleep with a "breath-right" on my nose. I always wake up after even minor surgery to hear the nurse yelling BREATHE. I think I sleep fine at night but my family members tell me I make horrible noises. I must admit once when we were all traveling together I found my 6"5" son sleeping on the bathroom floor to escape the noise :mrgreen: And, I have also found my daughter trying to sleep in the bathtub!! Luckily my husband is a very sound sleeper!!
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Postby martha » May 24th, 2005, 7:59 pm

Hi Victoria,
I too am new to Medifast. I know you will do good on this program.. I have been on them all and like you went from a size 7/8 to a 20/22 only in the last 4 years.. I love the food and it all taste great.. this forum is the best support group i have found over the years.. you will do great especially with all of thesse great people here to help you along.. good luck Martha
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Postby fedup » May 25th, 2005, 7:00 am

We've all done the diet yo-yo.... those days are gone for good if we just make that choice!
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I'm Also New

Postby shortgirl » May 25th, 2005, 8:29 am

I am new to forum also. I started May 14th and have lost 8.5 lbs and I feel wonderful. I love this site. It has helped me so much. Everyone is so wonderful to help and cheer you on. THANKS!
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Postby Nancy » May 25th, 2005, 8:39 am

Hey Short Girl ~

Welcome! Soon you will be Short Healthy and Trim Girl!
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Postby dlr2424 » May 25th, 2005, 9:43 am

Victoria....... :wavie: ......welcome aboard.................looking forward to sharing this journey with you........ :yes: .......you not only will fall in love with your new thinny self...... ;) ..........but with the people on the forum as well....... :yeah: .........you have joined one team of wonderful people......... :goteam: .............much success to you

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