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Hi, I'm New

Postby LadyChamp » May 20th, 2004, 9:21 pm

Hi, I'm new and not sure if this is where I should post but here goes.

Started Medifast on May 2, 2004. Today is May 20, 2004. I have not died yet. In fact, I have lost 20.5 pounds in 19 days. (For those who have not done as well, I have a LOT to lose, so don't give up hope!)

I decided I was to the point of "do or die" so I am doing the program (although the first couple of days I thought I would DIE on the program :lol:)

My husband and I have decided this is a life choice for us. We are committed to doing this.

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Postby Echo » May 20th, 2004, 10:19 pm

Welcome Lady, 20lbs already, congratulations! It's great that your husband is doing this with you. You are right, it's a choice for life. A longer life, a healthier life, a happier life. Thanks for deciding to share your journey with us.

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Postby explorthis » May 21st, 2004, 6:28 am

LadyChamp (and her chap)

Welcome to our group! What a great beginning to a success story.

Glad you are here. I see your stats listed below, and rarely see another guy's stats, what does your hubby have to lose? May I additionally ask your ages? Guy's ocassionaly join, but never stay around too long, or if they do, they sit and watch, rarely posting.

Thanks, and look forward to hearing from you guys regularly.

Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby Jeanette » May 21st, 2004, 6:50 am

Hi Lady Champ! You and I started out at almost the same weight! I wish you well on this journey! Looking forward to hearing more from you and hubby!
Jeanette :star:
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Postby cdixon » May 21st, 2004, 6:58 am

Come here often and read and re-read the posts. Everything here is always so inspirational. And Everyone here is so friendly and helpful. This forum is the best. It will help get you through the tough times!

CONGATULATIONS on the loss of 20lbs. That is wonderful.
Start Date 05/10/04
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Postby LadyChamp » May 21st, 2004, 11:38 am

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! :D

Hi Mike! Husband was at 288 I think. Not sure what he is at now but he has lost a great deal more than I have. Yes, I know, it's unbelievable!!! The rat fink HAHAHA j / k (just kidding) Seriously, this is not a competition between us.

We are 48 years old. I call him the old man 'cause he is two days older than I, but born in a different year. He was born Dec 30 and I was born Jan 1.

We have been married for 26 years and have one human child, and a gadzillion furry children (dogs and cats). :lol: Well, not really, but almost.

Food and stuff (hehe)
I used to think that diet soda was nasty, just absolutely nasty, but I really like Diet Riet. I has no caffeine, no sodium, no carbs, and no calories, and it comes in cola, orange, strawberry and white grape flavors. I have personally always thought that water is for taking a bath, NOT for drinking, but I just bought some flavored water, so I am really trying. Oh omy gosh I love the lime flavored water. Yummy. omg I love Tang. yummy Just had some with my "breakfast" today.

I absolutely almost split a gut the other day when I read I could have jello on this forum. woo woo FOOD YES YES YES So, off to the store we went day before yesterday (Champ was saying, "Are you sure you will be able to stay on the diet if you eat something." LacyChamp "Yes. It''s allowed and I'm on this forever. I can have Jell-o. One per day." :x ) YAY! hehehe

Champ really likes that he can have a couple of pickles per day. That seems to be really satisfying to him.


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Postby explorthis » May 21st, 2004, 12:36 pm

Husband was at 288
I read I could have Jello on this forum - One per day
Champ really likes that he can have a couple of pickles per day. That seems to be really satisfying to him

Hi again Lady and her Champ! (Isn’t that a Disney movie? – kidding of course)

288? Ha… He has nothing on what I was. Tell him to be counting his blessings, I was 337! Now Post Medifast 223-224 (depending on the day)

Get used to it, he is gonna lose faster. I know P.U. It’s a guy thing. The good thing is, you have each other doing it together. Say it with me – “TOGETHER” Amen to that! I had my Mom at the same time, calling me 3 times a day, screaming in my ear (as a great Mom should do). This kept me on the straight and narrow, as he and you will do together.

Jello – you said it Yippee, but you also said it: 1 per day! Live this rule. Celery, and the pickle eh, take it or leave it, again in complete moderation. Once the 2 of you are through this short stintm you can eat all the celery and pickles you want (right up there in my book with pickled beets).

This board is the blessing. Nothing you could think of asking has not been covered here. Search all over. If you do find something missing, or something of interest, please post it. We cover topics over and over, but we all need support, and heck, we have a gay old time here.

It would be real great if you stuck with us, and shared your successes, as well as your failures (we should not get any of these though, right?)

Glad you are here. Tell Mr. Champ, 288 is a walk in the park!!

Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby LadyChamp » May 21st, 2004, 3:05 pm

Thanks so much for the encouragement!

Not sure how much Champ wants/needs to lose really. ("When I look like I want to" is the response I get" when I ask him how much. But I'm sure it is at least 220 if not 210. Must be a GUY thing. :lol:)

Yes, we starred in that movie. Thanks for remembering us. But it was Champ and his Lady, not Lady and her Champ. :devious:

Well, I need to lose 200 pounds for sure so I will be here a while.

Medifast for life! It's do or die.

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Postby TamiL » May 23rd, 2004, 12:06 am

welcome to the forum Lady champ...its great that you and your hubby are both doing Medifast..you can do this together...help and encourage each other :-P :-P

look forward to hearing more from you....this journey is a great one...Im half way to my goal weight...almost to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow...

our train to thinville doesnt always go as fast as we would like...but its a one day at a time..one pound at a time ride..and although it dosent happen overnight...every day is is day closer to where you want to be!!

this forum and the people you will meet here are the BEST...could not have done this without each and every one of them!!
happy shakin!!
Tami ;)

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Postby Nancy » May 23rd, 2004, 5:06 pm

Howdy doody, Lady Champ and Champ ~

Woo Hoo! You two will have a blast doing this together! Two are better than one, if one falls, his/her friend is there to help her/him up!

I think that the "Champ" in your name must represent your nickname for CHAMPION!!!

We are happy to know you and to watch your old habits die and the new ones blossom! Happy shakin'
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