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New start date

Postby kmr » July 10th, 2006, 4:39 am

I'm hear to confess. I did good all day long on Saturday right up until it was almost time for me to go to bed and then something set me off and I ran and had 3 rasberry Nurtigrain bars! I guess that blew my Ketosis state! I wanted to thank Dede for sharing her journey with us. I read her blog and read how the first time she tried, she didn't stick with it and then a year later she tried M.F again . I read how excited she was after making it a full week. Then how great she felt with no hunger by the 3rd. week. After reading that, it really encouraged me to stick to the plan. I restarted yesterday, which is a good thing because now my official weigh in day will be on a Sunday. I actually made it the whole day without cheating, got in all my water and when I weighed myself this morning the scale read 214. I have a very accurate scale that I love. I told my husband that my problem is at night. I do good all day long and then when the sun goes down about 8:30P instead of turning into a werewolf I turn into a bingewolf and wolf down everything in sight! Well 1 full day down without cheating at night. 2 to 3 more days left until hopefully ketosis sets in! I can't wait to feel like Dede described in her blog and so many of you guys on this forum, once you reach the Medizone! My first official weigh in will now be next Sunday. Wish me luck.
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Postby Prancer » July 10th, 2006, 5:21 am

Congratulations on getting back on the wagon! I have the same night time problem. It only took a day or two for me to get past it. I also had to keep myself busy at that time.
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Postby Elke » July 10th, 2006, 5:56 am

I have to agree with Jenn, nights can be hard, just tke it one night at a time. Good for you for sticking with the plan. Its harder to get back up and start over than it is to just lay there and accept defete. Keep that winning attitude and remember we are here for you and you should be ok.
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Postby Karli » July 10th, 2006, 6:20 am

Hi kmr.... Congratulations on your restart, you have every possibility of doing just wonderfully, and a great support system to help you do that. I used to feel extremely snacky in the late afternoon and into the evening, and I am thinking everybody probably had their times of day as well. I will say that for the most part, those cravings have subsided (and if I am temped, I can control it). I really think that you can look forward to this as well.

I wish you well on your new beginning !!

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Postby Arklahoma » July 10th, 2006, 7:35 am

Good Job on recognizing your weaknesses and getting back on the horse. We are here for you and You CAN do this!!!
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Postby JKSRN » July 10th, 2006, 11:22 am

Hi and welcome, glad you are back on the program!
It is funny that you mention a specific time of 8:30pm because that is when I have my last or next to last supplement of the day. I always make sure I save something for that time. I sleep better also, having eaten a little something in the evening. You can also save your snack of the day for the evening, as well, such as SF jello, or any other of the allowed snacks. Just some ideas, hope it helps. :D
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Postby Jan » July 10th, 2006, 11:29 am

Hi There,
Evenings are the hardest time for me tooo!!! :x In the past I'd be joining you in digging thru my cupboards. :? Well if I'm going to be really honest -- I was digging thru my cupboards starting at about 3:00 PM and then the hunt continued. :oops: I've a couple of suggestions for you -- that worked for me. I drank lots and lots of hot tea....I know it's summer but hot liquids seem to psychologically fill you up... and I always saved a snack to have with the tea. In addition I found something -- needlepoint in my case-- o keep my mind and hands busy. That way I wasnt as likely to eat on "autopilot". Keep'll make it.
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Shake it in the evening

Postby mousehouse62 » July 10th, 2006, 11:31 am

I love to have my last shake of the night as my "nightcap" so to speak. I make one for both me and the hub and using recipes that I have found through this website, I punch up those shakes and now it is a snack that we both look forward to. Amazing what you can do with some ice, H2O, a blender and some add-ins!
Keep up the good work and know when your snackin' time hits ya, and give into it......with a great shake!
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My Third Week

Postby alohacate » July 10th, 2006, 11:34 am

As I enter into my third week with MF - I'm not sure if I'm in the MF zone or not. I still get hungry, or I think I am hungry?? The "cheats" that have saved me have been the bullion & Pickles. I also drink Hot Tea at night, seems to curb my hungries (I mean if it worked for the monks thousands of years ago, they must have been onto something??).
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Postby dede4wd » July 10th, 2006, 3:58 pm

Hi Kmr,
I'm so glad you jumped right back on the wagon! Night time is A LOT of people's tough time. Mine is 2-6pm. Because I KNOW that's my tough time, I space my meals a little closer together during that period and also save my snack for then!

I truly believe this journey is at LEAST 85% mental! I mean really, if it wasn't mental, you wouldn't have cheated with nutri-grain bars, it would've been chocolate suicide cake or chili cheese fries (okay, I'm talking about what I would have cheated with, you put your food here!)/

I think that's why I'm succeeding this time as compared to the last time. I got my head in the right place. I just decided I'd HAD IT with this weight and the beginnings of these health problems. You had a little stumble, you didn't fall. You jumped right back on program and should be VERY proud of yourself for that! We'll be RIGHT HERE if you need us!

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Postby kmr » July 11th, 2006, 12:18 pm

Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement. It means alot to me! I didn't realize until yesterday, that when I cheated I was also PMSing, which during that time I get severe carb cravings and moody. I know it's my hormones because I always get like that right before and then once that TOM arrives, my hormones must start to balance themselves out again because I always feel so much better and my cravings pass. I have to pay closer attention to the date next time so I can prep myself for my PMS. Thanks again everybody.
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Postby lilgorg » July 11th, 2006, 1:43 pm

i agree with Dede that it is a mental thing to do MF. i took 2 weeks just to get mentally prepared to do this.

kmr, first i want to say congrats for getting back on the bandwagon. so many folks don't get back on it and that is a huge step in itself. i guess i'm in the minority cuz my evenings are the easiest for me. my toughest time is the early afternoon to early evening. if you looked at my food log, you'll see the shortest breaks between meals during that time.

one thing that works for me (my hairdresser told me this) is that it is a very big picture to imagine how far you have to go. It’s easier to just imagine one day at a time. That is what I do, each morning I look for strength to get me through just that day. That way, if you mess up the day, it’s just that, one day, not your whole goal. It may not work for everyone but it works for me. Good luck staying on track this time.
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