New Ready To Drink (RTDs) Packaging and Case Lot size

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New Ready To Drink (RTDs) Packaging and Case Lot size

Postby Nancy » February 20th, 2006, 12:16 pm

Hi, Folks!

Many of you are beginning to understand the convenience factor of having some of the Ready To Drinks in your car or office desk drawer - they really are great to have on hand when you run out of time to prepare a Medimeal. They do not need to be refrigerated, just slip the straw off the side of the package, poke it in the top and slurp away.

The RTDs are available in the 55 formulation only and they are also ideal for people who are lactose intolerant, approved for diabetics and yes, men can have them, too!

RTDs come in Chocolate and Vanilla flavors only.

We are announcing that we have some new improved packaging for the Choclate Ready-to-Drinks.

Starting this week, you will notice a change in the packaging of the Chocolate RTD. – this modern, updated look will start shipping out in orders on Monday, February 20. The product formulation remains the same; a delicious and nutritious on-the-go alternative to our powdered 55 shakes. Our Vanilla RTD packaging will be following shortly.

With the new packaging, the case size for all Ready-to-Drink is also changing. Now all RTD 55 cases (both Chocolate and Vanilla flavors) will be packaged 24 boxes to a case, instead of the previous 27.

The cost of the cases has been updated to reflect this change - $53.78 for each case (price includes the 10% case discount). The average price per RTD remains the same - $2.24 when purchased by the case lot.

Order some Ready-to-Drinks today - they help to keep the Fat Fairy away!
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Postby MusicalMomma » February 20th, 2006, 12:21 pm

Order some Ready-to-Drinks today - they help to keep the Fat Fairy away!

If I ever see that darn fat fairy again...I'm gonna have to shoot her!!! :shoot: It would be justifable homicide wouldn't it????? :roflmao:
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Postby Nancy » February 20th, 2006, 12:24 pm

Yeah, well...she IS the naughty one all right - I think she flung a few flab globules our way, too when we went to San Diego and Los Angeles. Those :twisted: Frozen Chocolate Covered Bananners do me in every time!
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Postby aphrael » February 20th, 2006, 1:57 pm

Frozen chocolate covered banna hu? I'm thinking mixing a banna and chocolate pudding and freezing it now... yummy...

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Postby Nancy » February 21st, 2006, 11:38 am

Yeah! What we do is mix both flavors and then layer them - Terry mixes the Chocolate, I mix the Buhnanner and then we make little parfaits of them - very tasty and they are thinny, too!

:hmmm: Just don't sprinkle any of those crushed up Girl Scout Chocolate Thin Mints on the top!

:secret: You could cut up a Medifast Choc Mint bar in HALF then into smaller pieces, use HALF a serving of Medipudding and blend them together for a real lovely legal taste treat! Since your hubby is on the program, mix a full serving of puddin' with a chopped up bar and each of you get half of it. Or use it as a "Now and Later" - half now and save the other half for later...ahhhhh...thinny goodness!! :whistle:
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Postby Marseilles » February 21st, 2006, 11:59 am

Thats an awful lot of halves! hehehe...

Frozen chocolate covered banana's...mmm, they sound good. I'll swear here, frozen peanut butter ones would be even yummier, I believe!

Its a darn good thing nothing tastes as good as thin feels!!
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Postby Trixie » February 24th, 2006, 4:46 pm

Hey guys I just received my first shipment of RTDs in the new packaging. They look pretty cool. They are taller...more "can" shaped.

The best part is, I ordered them on Monday with my other order was over $200.00 and I was not charged shipping. No...not even for the RTDs. I know a few weeks ago Nancy posted that shipping was no longer free for this item, but maybe that hasn't kicked in yet. Just thought I'd let you guys know incase you wanted to grab some before the shipping charge kicks in.

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Postby Nancy » February 25th, 2006, 2:32 am

We gottem, too and guess what, Trixie?! No extra charge for moi either! I just report what I am told and TSFL said, "bill 'em Danno!"
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The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby MusicalMomma » February 25th, 2006, 8:47 am

I just ordered them too and no extra charge this time. Ya Hooooo!!! :)
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