New possible Medifast user with questions

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New possible Medifast user with questions

Postby Carolinagal » January 3rd, 2006, 3:48 pm

Hello everyone,
I have spent several hours over the last two days reading information on this site.
I need to know if there is anyone out there like me who has been successful with Medifast. I have been a failure SOOO many times.
I've had a weight problem all my life but it has gotten worse the last ten years. I thought I was fat at 130 pounds and now I'd LOVE to weight only 130. (I'm around 200 now.)
I'm a diabetic, type 2, and am really struggling with weight. I don't do a lot of cooking so Lean Cuisine, grilled turkey burgers, salads and protein bars are a large part of my diet. I guess I'm wondering if Medifast will really help me since I feel I am not too far off track now. I know I may sound like I'm in denial, but my metabolism is shot after yo-yoing most of my life. The last time I lost weight successfully was when I was going to the gym everyday. Taking care of an elderly mother has caused me to get away from the gym.
Congratulations to all your successes. I just need a little encouragement and anything you can share will be greatly appreciated.
God bless.
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Postby Nancy » January 3rd, 2006, 5:36 pm

Carolinagal ~

Of COURSE we can help you! :exercise:

We understand what it is like having a metabolism that is :shoot:

There are some factors that do affect weight loss rates but generally people on the 5 and 1 Program have consistent success and weight loss happens at the rate of 2-5 pounds per week and you do not have to spend hours at the gym.

:weightlift: Exercise is an important component of weight management and good health (not to mention an excellent stress buster!) but not necessary until you get some weight off. Spare your joints the pain right now.

Losing weight is not easy for anyone and although we often make off-hand comments that men lose weight faster than women, it is just as difficult for them to make the changes necessary to change their eating habits, too.

As you know, many of us struggle with meal preparation these days. We seem to cram so many things into our busy lives and to compensate, we cram unhealthy stuff into our mouths, thinking it will satisfy our souls and comfort us when in reality, we blimp out and become even more miserable. :tears:

It appears that you have reached a point of doing more than just thinking about your weight; you want to do something about it. :yeah: Yippy! That's a positive beginning.

I will always be up-front and honest with you - having diabetes is the :x pits. Being on a weight loss program can be ‘pitty’, too! BUT! We need not pity one another!! :hug:

Weight loss is somewhat :question: slower for people with diabetes because of a compromised metabolism but the good news is this: weight loss happens for any one who uses Medifast.

When you :bib: eat all meals on time, drink the 8 glasses of :water: water, do not skip packets or meals, weight loss happens - rapidly and safely.

Most every diabetic who follows the program is off of their oral agents in two weeks or so - that is a terrific incentive in itself! :thumbsup:

Diabetes cannot be cured but it can go into a remission of sorts.

:coach: Do all you can to get into a healthier place, Carolinagal
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Thinking of trying it out

Postby Jan » January 3rd, 2006, 5:40 pm

Hi There,
Yes I think there are many here who are just like you. Some with diabetes and some who don't have it yet (and don't want to) I used to weigh 140 and think I was fat (I'm 5'8") and now that is just a great weight for me. Of course I'm a little( as Nancy has instructed me to say)more experienced now :D I would just say "older" :D
This program is very very easy and very affective. In fact studies of the MF progam and the ADA program were completed last June at Johns Hopkins. I'm happy to report that MF did much better -- more people lost weight and more were able to get off their insulin.
Most of us have tried many different ways to part with the pounds but this way is quick and easy plus safe. The three things we want. Our metabolisms will respond. Many of us are slow losers but we lose -- sometimes not as fast as we'd like ( of course we all want the weight gone tomorrow :D) If you follow the program exactly, drink all your water and stay very very compliant you will part with the pounds. I've often said in case of a famine I'd be one of the last walking around. My body does not part with the fat too easy. But I've lost 50 pounds or so and I'm sure that you can too.
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Postby Lisa Renee » January 3rd, 2006, 5:50 pm


Good luck and post often!
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Postby Nicki » January 3rd, 2006, 8:27 pm

Welcome! I couldn't resist posting from one Carolina gal to another! Our situations aren't the same ... I started out with a lot more weight to lose and I'm not a diabetic, but for me, this has been the best program I've ever been on. I started out on Sept. 19 at 282 pounds, and as of this morning I've lost 58 pounds. I feel like all us wise people here have found the magic bullet ... I think everyone who is serious about dropping weight should try this program. I have a ways to go, but I personally couldn't have done it without my health advisor and this forum though, so I can't stress how helpful those two things are.
So, good luck with your journey wherever it takes you, but I hope you decide to join us here!
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