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New player in your game!

Postby JuliaMejia » April 14th, 2004, 1:22 am

My name is Julia and I am a fataholic... or maybe a foodaholic!

Actualy I am 240 something pounds now and down from my usual comfort weight of 258 through weight watchers and walking a lot on my job. Anywho I have been reading the board for about a week and ordered a month worth on Sunday afternoon...I am waiting...patienly getting in my last suppers at my favorite places. Fatty Patty's where the mascot is a pig and they serve my favorite burger "the Fatboy with cheese"! I don't go often and I don't overeat more than once or twice a week, but I seem to stay the same weight no matter what!

I was a chunky kid, somehow woke up and was a size four teenager one day, (I starved myself) and then slowly started creeping up and was over 200lbs by the time I was 19. 200 lbs isn't that bad if you are 5'9"... I however am blessed with the shorty gene and I'm only 5'1". Anyway after my fourth baby 19 months ago I was almost done with college and finally felt like TRYING to lose. I have done weight watchers three times for three weeks each! Atkins twice for about ten days when I gained and got scared & quit... I had thought atkins would be my miracle - I was wrong.

Then at work I look up and see someone I had not seen for a year. The face was kinda similair but whose body was this? Is it it can't be! But the familiar smile and voice proved it to be her! So here I am... Excited, hopeful, and quite worried that I will cave in and quit. Talk myself into eating bad food, Go crazy and eat like a cow when I ovulate, mess up cooking for the kids! All of it! I am a taster, a picker, one of those who nibbles all day and then has a small plate of food! Not all the time, just when I am feeling depressed and need to eat something bad to make me feel better...

If I have results, I will stick to it longer! Not so easily tempted. I have in this year of dieting, learned a lot about the bad things I tell myself and I need to change my ways, my thoughts, and my size (22).

I can't let myself eat badly if I gain, which is my pattern of self destruction! I can't let my husband say, "C'mon just tonight"!

I am hoping right now that I have more willpower in the weeks to come~

You guys really give me inspiration, reading your posts make it feel like home here. People who feel and know what I feel - I'ts a special place!

I am worried about the hair loss...Anyone have any ideas on how not to lose hair? Much appreciated!

Well this is my introduction and I have been getting to know many of you already through your writing! BTW I am a nurse, I have four kids, I'm 28, and I have spent the last 11 years obese. I feel perfectly healthy, but I know diabetes and arthritis are just around the corner...

:bib: Bring on the shakes! :bib:
May 1st 2006...Highest Weight 265...

Started Medifast December 8th, 06 Weight = 236.8 :(

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Postby NikkiNix » April 14th, 2004, 3:09 am

Hi Julia,

I am also 28 with two children and I am a CNA at a university hospital so I kindof know where your coming from. It's hard to work in the medical field and be overweight because you feel like your co-workers are saying "she should know better." I have been MFasting for two weeks and lost 13LBS so it works but it's hard! Come here for support and come often! I have been taking vitaminB12 and B6 for the hair loss thing,on a past diet I also lost alot of hair and the docs told me those vitamins with maybe a multivitamin would help with that. I'm sure if you look through the topics hard enough someone probably discussed the prevention of hair loss. I also have done EVERY DIET you could possibly imagine and through all those diets I have gotten myself into a size 26 :cry: but I'm on my way to lose with the help of MF and the wonderful people that are in the program as well.

Good luck to ya :D
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Postby Guest » April 14th, 2004, 6:47 am

Wecome, Julia. I'm so glad you have joined us. We are all singing from the same sheet music here. You will never find a more understanding and supportive group of individuals. You'll find the support you receive from this group AND your family is 80% of the game.

Good luck, and keep in touch.

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Postby TamiL » April 14th, 2004, 9:10 am

Hi Julia
Welcome!! I admire and look up to Nurses!! god bless you all!! I am a FF/EMT and I think that working shift work is the WORST when it comes to trying to loose weight!! Ive spent many hours in the E/R..and its nuts trying to work your shifts...and balance eating healthy!! its hard for me cuz at my station we COOK and eat alot (or at least I used to!!) now Ive gotten everyone on a bit of a health Kick!! Ive retired my cooking..and the guys pretty much know what I am up they dont bug me about eating with them!! Im happy with my little lean/green meal or my shakes!! I had a ruff time trying to loose weight on every diet under the sun...but Medifast has worked for me...sometimes I slip up...but get right back on track. This has to be the last stop for me....
I dont want to spend the rest of my life being unhappy with myself!!

This program works if you are faithful to took me a few weeks to adjust!! I take B vitamins as well...also EFA oils and I used NISIM shampoo that you can find on EBAY...for my hair loss...I usually loose tons of hair anyhow cuz my hair is long..and IM always in baseball caps at work!! but I have found that taking the extra vitamins and using this shampoo has helped tremendously!!

Goodluck on your journey...glad you are here with us!! ;)

Medifast RESTART 13 March 09
150/my goal weight is 130
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Postby Nancy » April 14th, 2004, 10:27 am

Helloo and Howdy, Julia ~

Welcome and we wish the very best of health to you!
Yeah, well, that old hair loss question does come up frequently and some people do have hair loss with the low calorie eating plans. I did. I had it in the past with Diet Center, Wt Loss Clinic, Nutrisystem, Jenny and also with Medifast. Honestly, I liked the fact that my arm and leg fur disappeared for a while!

AFTER I had been on the weight loss plan for six months, I heard about Oil of Evening Primrose. Oil of Evening Primrose (a gel type capsule, similar to a Vit E gel capsule) and Flaxseed oil are some suggestions. I take the former. Once I reached my goal weight and began to add back more regular foods, my fur returned! I knew it would - it did before. It has to do with the fact that this is a low fat eating plan.

I was willing to be bald if it meant that I could safely and quickly lose the poundage. I had to choose: A large lardy lady with a full head of fur or a fabulously healthy thinner woman with thin fur that would return...I chose the latter.

For some people, there is always an :x excuse to prevent them from choosing the healthy, convenient and fast way to thindom! For some people it is :shock: fear of fur loss, others is :cry: saggy skin, etc. To me, :shock: diabetes, :shock: stroke, :heart: heart disease, certain cancers are a MUCH BIGGER threat than temporary fur loss!

You go, Girl! You can do it. This is IT for you and for thousands of others that never ever thought they would have victory!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby JuliaMejia » April 14th, 2004, 2:17 pm

Thanks to all of you for the ideas on hair loss, I just got it to my waist for the first time since I was a teen so I'd hate to have to cut it...

My medifast arrived today so I will be starting tomorrow. Not really a good day since I have to work, but that's ok then I'll have my third day on Sunday when I'll be busy cleaning and not thinking about eating...I think I'll try the full medifast for a bit & see how I do and to get used to eating only medifast so I won't mess up with real foods in the beginning.

No turning back!
May 1st 2006...Highest Weight 265...

Started Medifast December 8th, 06 Weight = 236.8 :(

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Postby shineface » April 14th, 2004, 5:29 pm

You are in the right place -- I am always so happy to see new members come into this forum --- everything everyone has to see - new members or Losers --- brings new information and support to this forum.

Personally, I would not have gotten as far as I have without all of the support and info that I get here --- come here is addicting!!!!

Remember, keep reading and posting and shakin' and slurpin' and drink drink drink all the water and more - it is SO IMPORTANT!!!!!

WE WILL do this together!!! :stroll:
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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