New member with concerns

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New member with concerns

Postby Amber11 » June 1st, 2005, 3:33 am

Hello forum,

My name is Audrey, and today I have decided that I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I want to regain my health and I am tired of being embarrassed over the way I look. I would like to order my products today, but I am a little confused on what to order and how much to order. Also, I would like to know if the diabetic program is the program for me. My doctor said he doesn't have a preference and this diet is not a magic bullet or pill. I am insulin resistant and PREDIABETIC. Should I order the regular program or try the diabetic one. I really would like some input today, if possible. I had hoped my doctor would tell me what to do, but he didn't. He thinks I should just put the fork down. I have tried his approach and that did not work.

I look forward to reading more of your posts, and wish me luck,

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Postby doglover » June 1st, 2005, 4:56 am

Good morning Audrey. Unfortunately I do not have the answers for you but the wise one will be along shortly. She is on the west coast so comes on a bit later.

I just wanted to wish you the very best of luck. This is not a magic pill, but it does work! You just have to work it!
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Postby kassilou » June 1st, 2005, 8:08 am

There is a toll free number at the top of this page. I'd call Nancy and ask her all of your questions. Good luck!! This is a great program!
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Postby noexcuse » June 1st, 2005, 8:41 am

Hi Audrey,

Just wanted to say hello and welcome, trying to call Nancy directly sounds like a great idea to me, I am sure you'll have your questions answered quickly and be off and shakin in no time... :D
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Postby Helen » June 2nd, 2005, 11:51 am

i was on the same boat as you are when i started. i didnt use the diabetic meals but youll see the majority of them are for diabetics anyway. thats the great part of this diet. diabetic or not we share some common meals.
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Postby Paula » June 2nd, 2005, 12:40 pm

Hi Audrey. Welcome! I hope you got in touch with Nancy yesterday. I'm diabetic and Medifast has made all the difference in the world to my situation. Congratulations on making the decision to do something about it while you're still "Pre." It doesn't sound like your doctor is very supportive or helpful. I've changed doctors so many times looking for someone who could or would help me with my health problems, I finally found one and she is really thrilled about my progress. I had no idea how much that alone would help my mental attitude. I actually look forward to going to the doctor now. Never would have believed that would happen! Please post often and let us know how you're doing. There is lots of help and support here for you. Good luck!

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Postby martha » June 4th, 2005, 1:25 pm

Hi Audrey-- WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!! Just wanted to welcome you and tell you how great it is that you are going to join the MF plan.. I too hate the way I look and am sooo tired of staying inside and being embarrassed about my weight problem.. I lost alot of weight before and now whenever I go out people make remarks that make me want to cry. :x :x . sooo I stopped bascially going anywhere unless it was a have to situation.. Since joing this forum I feel great about this program and look forward to all the different peoples input.. They really feel for us and since they are in the same boat they can really be in a position to be honest with us.. I like this .. :D Congratulations on taking the first step and good luck.. you are in for one heck of a great ride!!!--Martha
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Postby dlr2424 » June 7th, 2005, 7:19 pm

Audrey....... :wavie: glad you have joined us...... :yay: will be in for one terrific ride....... :drive: hold on tight and enjoy the journey............ :angel:

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