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Postby junebug19 » December 21st, 2005, 3:01 pm

WELL. I am new to this. I just got my shipment this morning and I AM SOOOO Excited to lose weight. Well. I'm 20 years old, and I was in the running for the gastric bypass, but since they want me to lose more weight before I go into surgery I will HAVE to do this. I just need extra double extra support!!! For some reason it seems very fun to me. I NEED TO lose weight, and I can't wait till I post my before and after pictures!!!
Merry christmas everyone!!!!!!
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Postby mclachlanFan » December 21st, 2005, 5:05 pm

Hi Junebug! I too am new, and congratualations on making the decision to change you life and start anew! From what I understand, you may not even have to have that surgery if you stick with the medifast plan! i do hope so, because the surgery can be dangerous at times. I'm about your aga and am overweight, 5'7" and 275 pounds to be exact. If you need some support you can feel free to PM me! Nancy should talk to you shortly on here, she is such a wonderful lady! You might call her if you want at her toll free number at the top of the page.She lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time, so she knows what everyone here is goin through!
I wish I could start the plan right now, but I'm waiting on some cash so I can buy it...:( Anyway...Welcome to the board, and greatluck to you on your journey!
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Postby big ron » December 21st, 2005, 6:30 pm

welcome Junebug great to have you onboard. Hope to see you post your success Ron :goodluck:
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Postby junebug19 » December 22nd, 2005, 8:02 am

thanks a lot you guys! i definitely appreciate it. well. i am about 3 hours into the fast. and i will have to admit those shakes DO fill you up!! i've been keeping myself busy!!! i feel that this will finally be the answer to all my weight loss nightmares! (la weight loss, jenny craig, weightwatchers, atkins.. etc.)
Thanks again. Definitely will be posting as much as possible!!!
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Postby Nancy » December 22nd, 2005, 3:03 pm

Howdy Doody, Junebug19 ~

I am really grateful that you found out about Medifast before you have gastric by-pass surgery. It is my hope that you soon realize that you are able to safely and efficiently lose weight using our wonderful products and without having to have your plumbing rearranged!

Many people discover the ease of the program makes it possible to reach their goal weight in just about the same length of time as it would take to do so surgically and with a lot less hassle and fewer problems with skin sagging, as what occurs or most by-pass patients. By keeping your stomach intact, nutrition absorption remains uninterrupted and you will be much healthier long-term for it.
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