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Postby junglejane » February 4th, 2005, 7:04 am

Im a new member and I need encouragement to just order the starter kit. Ive been on just about every weight loss program there is and I always quit before goal because I lose so slowly. Im hypothyroid and the weight doesn't alway drop off as fast as I want it to. I am also the mother of 4 children and the bad habits of "helping" them clean their plates are embarrassing. I need MF because it is healthy and easy but I need a lot of support. I weigh 206 right now and I want to be a sassy 150 by my highschool reunion in Aug. Is this possible? How often can I write in a forum before I become annoying? Is there any way to get immediate help during the really tempting times? I want this soooo bad I can see myself thinner. Thanks for lending an ear.
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Postby RavenKat2 » February 4th, 2005, 7:16 am

Hey Jane (assuming that's your name) :-)

1. read all the posts you can. Especially the elevator section - quite inspirational.

2. I'm not going to try to convince you to start - only you can decide that. Sounds like you are on your way, though.

3. Post your butt off!!!! I try to read and post everyday whether it's annoying or not. ;)


*new id for inspiration*
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Postby raederle » February 4th, 2005, 7:17 am

Hi Jane... So glad to have you! You definitely can't post too often here-- it never gets annoying, and we all know that posting is better than scarfing cheeseburgers, which is what we might be doing if our fingers weren't occupied...

As for MF, I think the people on this board are living proof that it is the quickest and safest way to lose significant amounts of weight. 50 pounds in 5-6 months has been done in the past (take a look at hawaiiwhatnot's success!), so I think you could do it, too, if you stick to the plan and come here as soon as you get worried about cheating. You'll find lots of encouragement, support, info, and a kick in the pants when necessary!

Lots of folks here have kids and have done the same things that you worry about-- there are lots of ex-plate-lickers around here! So I think you'll find lots of friends here who understand where you are, where you've been, and where you want to be. This forum is quite active, so if you find yourself in need of a friend, or are worried you might cheat, posting here will bring fast help-- and many of us encourage you to email us or send a private message through the forum if you want to reach out to someone directly.

Soooo.... in short, I think that if you are ready to commit to finally getting rid of those 56 pounds once and for all, even though it's gonna take a steady 5-6 months of being "good," you CAN DO IT!!! And we will help you!!!


Join us, won't you?


High weight = 180
Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
New goal: 130
I'll reach it again, one day at a time
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Postby Marseilles » February 4th, 2005, 7:44 am

Welcome, JungleJane!

Congratulations for finding us..I really think you should take the time and make the commitment to medifast, it is a program that is very succesful. I, too, am hypothyroid. I was extremely hyperthyroid and had a hormone producing goiter on my thyroid until about two years ago. unfortunately, I was not your typical case, as I gained weight drastically when it was hyper, instead of being a skinny-minny. Two years ago I had my thyroid surgically removed and have been on synthroid ever since.

I cleared starting medifast with my endocrinologist and have had extremely good luck with it. I am sure I would be at my goal weight right now if it were not for some slippages of my own doing along the way, but I am still plugging along with great success. My energy level is great and I very seldom feel hunger. One thing I would suggest though, is close monitoring of your hormone replacement as when you lose weight your required levels will change fairly rapidly and sometimes drastically. Initially I did not factor this in and experienced quite a bit of hairloss (which Im sure you know can be a side effect of the hormone replacement therapy as is).

All in all, I have had better success with this program than ANY other I have tried, and suffering from hypothyroidism, you are well aware of the challenges we face in trying to take off those unwanted pounds.

I know from experience this WILL work for you too!

Again, welcome aboard! If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask and myself or anyone here will be more than happy to try and answer them for you.

Also, I see your goal as one that is very achievable in the time frame you mentioned. You are going to love this!!!

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Postby junglejane » February 4th, 2005, 7:59 am

this is just what I needed to get me over the hump. I am going to order today and get started. Thank you all for your replies. And Marsailles, I would love to have your ear for those thyroid discussions. After my 4th baby I went hyper and lost all the weight from pregnancy then my thyroid plummeted and never returned. I gained 25 pounds in a matter of 3 weeks. Finally I am on synthroid for life now. I will be sure to get it checked more frequently after my great weight loss!! Thanks again to all!!!
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Postby Marseilles » February 4th, 2005, 8:06 am

Yaaaay!! Welcome aboard!

Jane, feel free to send a PM my way any old time, Id be happy to help out where I can!!

Happy Friday to you!

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