Welcome, JungleJane!
Congratulations for finding us..I really think you should take the time and make the commitment to medifast, it is a program that is very succesful. I, too, am hypothyroid. I was extremely hyperthyroid and had a hormone producing goiter on my thyroid until about two years ago. unfortunately, I was not your typical case, as I gained weight drastically when it was hyper, instead of being a skinny-minny. Two years ago I had my thyroid surgically removed and have been on synthroid ever since.
I cleared starting medifast with my endocrinologist and have had extremely good luck with it. I am sure I would be at my goal weight right now if it were not for some slippages of my own doing along the way, but I am still plugging along with great success. My energy level is great and I very seldom feel hunger. One thing I would suggest though, is close monitoring of your hormone replacement as when you lose weight your required levels will change fairly rapidly and sometimes drastically. Initially I did not factor this in and experienced quite a bit of hairloss (which Im sure you know can be a side effect of the hormone replacement therapy as is).
All in all, I have had better success with this program than ANY other I have tried, and suffering from hypothyroidism, you are well aware of the challenges we face in trying to take off those unwanted pounds.
I know from experience this WILL work for you too!
Again, welcome aboard! If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask and myself or anyone here will be more than happy to try and answer them for you.
Also, I see your goal as one that is very achievable in the time frame you mentioned. You are going to love this!!!