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Postby Tai78 » May 20th, 2004, 7:24 am

Hello everyone. I've been creeping around this forum for a few days now. My name is Tai and I just started this program on Monday. The first 3 days were hard for me. Not because I was hungry but because I was dizzy, lightheaded, and headachy. But today I feel good! I even got up early to clean my house.

I haven't lost any weight yet. Is that normal?
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Postby Jeanette » May 20th, 2004, 7:37 am

Welcome, Tai!

Not unusual at all! When I first started, I don't think my weight came off until day 6 or so. After that, I learned to be less obsessive with the scale at first, and definitely not judge my success/failure solely on the numbers on the scale.

Again, welcome!
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Postby Tai78 » May 20th, 2004, 7:42 am

Thanks! That's good to know. I'm just gonna weigh myself about once a week, to eliminate any future frustration.
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Postby Amanda » May 20th, 2004, 8:07 am

Hi Tai,
I have only been on MF for 1 week today is day #7 for me, i did not see my loss until day 3 because my weight fluctuates so much, also when you decide to weigh yourself make sure it is the same time of the day (i weigh when i wake up) and make sure your clothing is consistent(i find it easiest to weigh in the buff, that way if I have jeans on, ar a sweater it does not throw the scale off) Have you noticed a change in your clothing fitting differently, You wouldn't think a few pounds would make a difference but it does believe me. Stick with it and be patient, it will come off it may just me your weight fluctuates and the times you weigh were affecting the scale. Keep it up!! :) :) :)
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Postby explorthis » May 20th, 2004, 8:28 am


Tai, here is proof..

Look at Amanda (amazing) 10 pounds in 7 days? Holy-Moly!!!

Great job Amanda!!!

Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby Echo » May 20th, 2004, 10:02 am

Welcome. I've only been here a few days but already checking in on the forum has become an important part of my plan. I find so much inspiration in everyone elses victories and I'm creeping up on my 10lb mark too! Congratulations on making the decision to take control of your health.


ps-has anyone ever calculated the amount of weight lost by members of the forum? I mean, there are hundreds of pounds of wt loss here! It's amazing! We rock! :kool:
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Postby Unca_Tim » May 20th, 2004, 8:00 pm

Hi all you newbies and welcome,
( oldies too...:))

I know it's really hard not to watch the scales when you first begin. It's physically impossible to NOT lose weight if you follow the plan closely INCLUDING getting all your water.

A tough few days to start with, then a burst of energy and feeling of wellbeing are a typical start. Just trust by the many examples here that it does get MUCH easier and if you stick with it there's no reason why you can't reach your goal.

Occasionally someone will ballpark, tally up the total weight loss and report it in the Sunday weigh-ins. If you look back through the previous weeks you might see a couple total #'s lost by everyone.

It's great to see everyone adding those daily successes up into some real results. Aint getting healthy a wonderful feeling?

Keep up the great work everyone,
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Postby Guest » May 21st, 2004, 5:57 am

Thanks for all the great advice. This forum is an inspiration to me.

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