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Postby Nancy » May 10th, 2005, 10:58 pm

Lisa ~

It is best to drink it within the same day. There have been several times that I mixed a shake and left it in the refer over night - it was finer-roo.

I often mix my oatmeal and Homestyle Chili the night before and tuck them into the refer just before I dive under the sheets. The refer looks like it belongs to a mad scientist with the little jars in there.

When I pop up the next morning, the little berries in my French Vanilla Berry Oatmeal are plump and tasty. The Homestyle Chili when allowed to reconstitue is awesome.
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Postby fatBgone » May 10th, 2005, 11:22 pm

Thanks for the info...I bet the chili beans are soft enough to actually eat...hehe!!

The first couple of times that I made chili - I did it in the microwave like the box says and I hated it! :x Then one day, I tried boiling it on the stove and let it simmer and added more water than the box said & was delicious!! :eat: I also put in a little spicy seasoning stuff and a small spoonful of salsa (read that somewhere) which even makes it better, but I'm going to try that refer trick and then the prep time would probably be quicker! Would this be good for the minestrone too - or do you think the pasta would get soggy? (guess it wouldn't really matter though, since there's like - uh...4 noodles...hehe!!) :lol:

Thanks again!
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Postby Nancy » May 10th, 2005, 11:31 pm

Yes, it is great to do the Minestrone that way - or do it in the morning. I usually nuke it for a minute before I put it in the ice box. It helps to soften the beans.

The soups are ALL great prepared on the stove top and simmered. When I do them stove top, I make a double batch and add some Fast Soup - obviously Delicate Chicken to the Chicken Noodly or Chicken With Wild Rice and Robust Tomater to the Chili and Minestrone. Savory Beef is good added to the later as well.
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The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby Spunky » June 27th, 2005, 3:23 pm

Leopard Woman~ We missed you! Glad you had a blast at the conference.

Thanks for the helpful tips on refer madness and the science projects.

I am tired of chipping my teeth on the chili beans and wild rice! Light bulb moment: Soak them overnight. Helloooooooo

Your the greatest!
Happy Trails Y'all......... Spunky

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