new medifast980 convert!

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new medifast980 convert!

Postby djhandwerk » February 3rd, 2006, 11:52 am

I have just finished my second week on the medifast program and have lost 11 pounds! I can't beleive how easy and great this is! As with others on this list I have dieted repeatedly without sustained success but I have great hopes that this plan will be one I can live with on going! First and foremost I have not been hungry or had cravings so I have not cheated! This is the first food plan that I have followed without fail! I'm so proud of that! :lol: To one and all: good luck and have a wonderful weekend!

DJ :exercise:
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Postby falisamarie » February 3rd, 2006, 1:06 pm


Welcome to our team :goteam: We are always happy when someone new comes aboard!! You are right most of us have tried every diet known to man with little or no success but there is something different about Medifast it is truly a program you can follow.

Good luck and keep shakin

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Postby SueInSLO » February 3rd, 2006, 1:12 pm

Welcome DJ :wave:

You're off to a great start!! 11 pounds!! :bravo:

Keep up the great work and keep posting!!



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Postby Loribug » February 3rd, 2006, 1:15 pm

way to go!
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Postby Soon2bFitSonja » February 3rd, 2006, 3:14 pm

Welcome to the Medifast Family. Boy, it sounds like you are off to one great start, 11# in 2 weeks, now that's what I call loosing weight.

Like you I have not stuck to a program to date. I am waiting for my Medifast to get here so I can come on board with all you losers.

Glad you found us and much success to ya.

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Postby Unca_Tim » February 3rd, 2006, 5:49 pm

Hi DJ and welcome to the forum,

Sounds like you're off to a great start....congrats!

If you'd like to register and join in the forum, I'll be able to add you to the goal clubs and there's some other features you'll be able to see.

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