Welcome!! This is a great program and you can't help but succeed if you stick to the plan.
1) Drink lots and lots of water. And then drink some more.
2) Visit the Lean Cuisine section for tips on doctoring up the foods to make them more palatable.
3) If there's something you don't like, wait a couple of months and try it again. Tastes change drastically on this plan.
4) If you don't already have a Health Advisor, ask to be assigned one. They're a great resource.
5) Visit the forum often if you have questions or need help with anything. The folks here are incredibly supportive, and no matter what you're going through, chances are someone here can relate.
6) Keep an emergency supply (a bar, extra packets, whatever) in your purse, in your car and at work. You never know when life is going to interfere with your plans, and you don't want to be caught with nothing to eat (or nothing to eat but fast food or vending-machine junk).
7) Pre-soak the chili, chicken-rice, chicken-noodle and minestrone soups (mix them ahead of time with water and whatever else, and let them sit in the fridge). If you try to just mix them up and nuke them, you'll break a tooth on the beans or rice or pasta.

Get some DaVinci (or Torani, but I prefer DaVinci) sugar-free syrups to add to shakes and puddings and cocoa and almost anything else. They'll vastly increase your flavor choices.
That ought to be enough to get you started. Be sure to post your successes as well as your questions and challenges. We love to cheer on our friends!!