I have been watching this message board for about a year now, and I am amazed at the life changing transformations that I have witnessed. So many happy faces, good advice, and supportive encouragement to be had everywhere!! This is more than a message board, and I would liken it more to a community, if not a family.
I am currently on day 7 and I would like to say it is getting easier, but I would be lying to myself and you nice folks. I will admit that the hardest day was day 3. I almost broke down and munched on some Doritos, but I kept hearing this voice in my head telling me
"Nothing Tastes as good as being Thin Feels"
and I believe truer words have never been spoken, and those words help me through the rough parts of the day when hunger seems to start rearing it's ugly head at the wrong time.
But enough of that. I am 31 years old, 6'4", and I live in Linden, MI. When I first started Medifast a week ago, I was topping out at 301 lbs. At my weight check this morning, I was at 285.4

I know the losses slow down over time, but I could not believe my eyes. How often is it kosher to weigh yourself? Once a day? Twice? Once a week? What have you all found is a good system? I don't want to lose all hope and motivation because I gain .5 pounds overnight or anything.
You know, you never really realize how much eating/food is engrained into society until you stop eating. People just don't seem to understand when someone is trying to better themselves. I get funny looks and comments like "What, you aren't eating? What are you, on some kind of diet or something?" Well, yeah I am. I am trying to actually like looking in the mirror, and have some pride in the way I look and feel. When I was in the doctors office at the beginning of the year for an illness, and I stepped on that scale and heard the nurse say "304" I wanted to start crying. I guess I always felt that as long as I was in the 200s I was still doing good. 300s, at least in my mind, WHOOOOAAAAA! I had to face the facts that I was NOT at a healthy weight, and I need to do something about it.
Sorry for rambling. I was trying to convey the way I feel into words, and sometimes it doesn't always translate well.
I look forward to the stories and motivation this board has brought everyone, and hope that I can become a helpful part of this community as well.
Thanks for listening, and I look forward to posting a success story of my own someday.