by IceWolfe » March 16th, 2007, 9:46 am
12 days on the program and I have lost 21 pounds! Is it me, or is this the BEST SYSTEM EVER INVENTED?!?!!?
After the first 5 or 6 days, I really had no craving for any food except salt, but a few pickle spears cured that quick. At least until today...
There was a huge Sales meeting in the Conference Room right outside my office's door, and they ordered a huge spread of food for their "Lunch N Learn". Corned Beef, Cabbage, salad, brownies, the whole nine yards and all the fixins. As the smell drifted in, I look at my co-worker and thought to myself "well, this inst good."
I took a stroll into the room next door, and looked at all of the huge containers of delicious food just waiting for me to grab a plate. The smell of all of that delicious....
But then something happened.
Someone offered me a plate, and I looked at him, smiled, and said "No, thanks".
"NO THANKS"?????? Here I am, I have been starving myself for two weeks now, I can just go and indulge in this tasty lunch and just start the program again on Monday. What's 3 days? No big deal...right? IT"S ONLY THREE DAYS!!!
I think something happened in that room today that really made me take a step back and understand exactly why I am doing this program to begin with. Whenever I look in a mirror, I do not like the person who is looking back at me. That person has made poor choices when it comes to eating & fitness, and he never thought about taking pride in his appearance or getting healthy so he doesn't have a heart attack before his 3 year old son graduates high-school.
Yeah, I don't like that guy very much at all. I know it is him in the back of my mind every time something smells good, or looks delicious, and he keeps whispering..."Go ahead, it won't matter. You know you want to..."
Well, I don't want to see that guy anymore. He makes me depressed whenever I catch a glimpse of him. I want to be happy. I want to look in that mirror with Pride. Pride. That is something I haven't felt in a loooooong time. It will be a nice change. A life-lasting change.
You guys are so great for what you do here. You give motivation and hope to people who have none. When someone wants to give up, you push them to go that extra mile, and instead they end up running a 10 mile marathon, smiling the whole way.
On behalf of everyone who may feel the same way I do, but may not have the means or ability to say so...
Thank you all, for helping me change my life, and I pray that I may do the same for someone else someday.