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I'm new/Introduction

Postby Christine » June 18th, 2004, 8:20 am

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself to the forum since I am new to the board. I head of Medifast when I was seaching the internet for liquid diets. Being in a desperate situation I decided I needed to take an aggressive approach to my weight issue. Since the birth of my second son in February 2004 I have lost nearlyh 40 pounds on my own but have been at a stand still. I know from past experience not must more will come off unless I do something aggressive.

I remember hearing about Optifast and did a google search which brought me to Medifast. I went onto epinions and noticed more people will happy with Medifast then Optifast. Good thing I guess since Medifast you need not have a doctor give it to you. I just don't have the time with two kids to have to see a doctor all the time.

My weight issues have been since I was in my late teens. When I entered college the lazy time in combination of eating very unhealthy made me gain lots of weight. I then yoyo dieted, doing Phen Phen and all kinds of other diets with little of no success. Phen phen helps me to take 60+ pounds off but made me a complete crazy lady.

I got married 6 years ago at a healthy weight of about 140. At the hight of 5'5 that's a good weight to be at but then I had fertility problems and the birth of two children has brought me to the 210 mark in my weight. I have severe asthma, self confidence issues, terrible depression, and a really NASTY attitude all the time. Who said fat people are happy people was out of their mind! I have never been more mean or annoying to others as I am when I am fat.

I would like to take 80 pounds off to bring myself to anywhere from 120-130 pounds.

I know with everything that I have heard this is going to happen on the Medifast program. I know with support and positive reinforcement I can do this and succeed. Being 30 years old and feeling like I'm 60 is just depressing.

I want my life back!

Thank you!
Christine :lol: [/b]
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Postby Carrie » June 18th, 2004, 8:38 am

Hi Christine,

Welcome to our forum.

You'll find that we all pretty much relate to everything everyone else is going through. This is a great place to get support, stick with your plan and even make some new friends.

You will find this is a journey, and we must all learn to deal with our lives without abusing food. It's definitely a process so don't give up!

I totally understand what you mean about your attitude towards life. I have been trapped in this fat body for years, and it has stiffled me. Made me more introverted, and destroyed my confidence. But the good news is that it's all fixable. I have now reached a level of weight loss where my accomplishment has begun building that confidence back up and I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Take time to read through the old posts, they're full of information and support. And visit here often, I believe the more you participate here, the stronger you're program will be. We're a small, but determined group (and getting smaller every day I might add!)

Again, welcome,
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Welcome Christine

Postby Echo » June 18th, 2004, 8:41 am

I'm glad you found MF and this forum. You will be able to reach your goals! If you have any questions just post them, the first few days can be hard but be strong and you can get through it. Remember you can have an extra shake if you need it. Check out the FAQ section to find other free foods you can have, like broth, 2 stalks of celery, 2 pickles, etc. The free foods don't seem like much but they can really help to curb cravings.

Good luck!
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Postby explorthis » June 18th, 2004, 9:43 am

Christine, welcome.

I am the loud obnoxious man of the group. I have no attitude!! (Just ask the girls)

Look no further for support, or how to do this. Join our brood, and you will lose what you want.

The only requirement - FAITHFULLNESS to the program, and I PROMISE you what ever you want.

I know about Optifast, I did it 20 years ago successfully, but never kept it off. I did not learn how to maintain after losing it. I successfully lost over 100 pounds on Medifast, and have kept it off for over 5 months.

This board is the support you need. As Carrie says, we ALL know exactly what you feel, since we have all been exactly where you are. We can and will help!!!

Again, welcome.

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Postby mirancs8 » June 18th, 2004, 11:37 am

Thank you all for your supportive words. I am excited to get started. I can't wait to get back to myself again.

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Postby Ria » June 18th, 2004, 4:44 pm

Welcome Christine!!!

With all the knowledge and experience from the awesome people on this forum I know you will do great! I am fairly new but already a believer that if you follow the program YOU WILL LOSE.

Good Luck!!

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Postby Amanda » June 18th, 2004, 7:19 pm

Welcolme Christine-

This forum is great. There is nothing that someone here hasn't been through and everyone is so supportive. This is the place to come when you're down and the place to come when you're happy. I would have never been as successful without everyone here i love them.
Peace & Love,

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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » June 18th, 2004, 7:29 pm

Ditto on the big welcome Christine! :wavie:

So glad you've joined in - we're all a great bunch of losers! HA!!!! :goteam:

May you find the encouragement I have received here. It's invaluable. Much success to you! :thumbup:
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Postby Landylue » June 19th, 2004, 4:56 am

Welcome, Christine! I'll bet I'm not the only one out here on the forum that sat and read your post with a head nodding up and down in agreement and empathy with every word you wrote. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! We've all been there, or ARE there, but we are all going to make it through this to goal.

Medifast is EXACTLY what you need to 'kickstart' your weightloss. If you stay true to the program, the weight will come off. Believe it!

However, please take the time to go to your doctor for the initial 'check-up'. After that, it's usually just a blood test every three months, and you're good to go.

Hang out on the forum as much as you can during the first weeks/months of your program. It is truly a wealth of support and encouragement.

The very best of luck to you, Christine.

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Postby MomJackieLee » June 21st, 2004, 3:56 pm

Great decision to go ahead and make a change NOW. I've been feeling 60 for about the last 10 years with no energy, back pain, heel spurs, & migraines. Then I looked up one day and I'm almost 38. The time went by whether I was large or small. I plan on looking and feeling better at 40 and up than I ever did in my 30's!!! No more excuses (I ain't gettin' any younger, you know).

I have to say that the last three weeks have really made a difference in how I FEEL. My energy level is higher, my headaches are much less frequent, and with the yoga, light weights and cardio (eliptical or bike to minimize stress on back) my back/neck/shoulder pain is going away slowly but surely.

Go for it now and you will certainly reap the benefits. :yes:
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