New Intro/Joy

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New Intro/Joy

Postby jump4joy » April 11th, 2006, 9:13 pm

Hi all!

Just turned 49 and I'd really like to have escaped obesity once and for ALL by my 50th b-day (next January). Yikes! 50!

I'm a happily married SAHM of two really wonderful girls, ages 13 and 16. I'm really blessed in spite of the fact that I suffer from moderate depression/anxiety which I can manage for the most part tho' you can pretty much count on me to drop out from the world one week of every month. I'm peri-menopausal too so I get to experience the joys of hot-flashes and mood-swings. :x

I never had a weight problem until I had my first baby at 32 (even though you couldn't have convinced me before that that I didn't have 20 lbs. to lose because of the brain-washing of our thin-obsessed culture!). Was married one year when I had my baby girl and gained 75 lbs.! Never lost that weight (tried and tried desperately) and had my 2nd babe at 35. Only gained 15 that pregnancy but after all was said and done, still needed to lose 75.
-Lost 80 lbs. from '95 to '96 using Slimfast and counting calories and walking then running 5-6 times a week plus strength-training 3 times a week. Gained a lot back (grrrrr!).

-Found Medifast in '98...lost 45 lbs. and kept it off for two years....then gained it all back. :(

-Found a Medifast doctor in 2000 and lost 80 lbs. in eight months. I realize now that I got about 15 pounds too skinny that time----you know how it is, you get addicted to the compliments and it's a little heady to actually BE a stick--a mere SLIP of a girl! :roll: Fought tooth and nail but gained it all PLUS ten by Jan. 2003 when I found TSFL.

-From Jan. to the end of May I did great---I was a weight-loss STAR--followed MF perfectly, never deviating ONCE (ominous music). I'd lost 63 1/2 lbs. with only 12 1/2 till goal when my hair started falling out by the handfuls (like rats abandoning a sinking ship) :p Had to quit the full-fast and because I'm SUCH an all-or-nothing perfectionist and felt like a failure for not reaching goal (!!! can ya b'lieve it?! WHAT a head-case!), started gaining it back. :dohdoh:

You should see my chart at that point:
up, then down, up, down, up, down...each up being a little MORE up than the last know the drill. Struggle, struggle, struggle, all the while feeling the shame and very public failure and humiliation gaining it all back and THEN SOME. Gee, d'ya think I have a little transition/maintenance problem? It aggravates me just to even write this!
I've had so many restarts that I claim the crown of the Restart Queen.

-All of 2005 I languished in bloated despair reaching an all-time high of 223 (over the holidays) on my petite 5'2" frame. Being fat for me is TORTURE a living hell. My tiny little delicate feet can't stand it---literally. Achey-ness, tiredness, can't-tie-my-dang-shoes Fat Hell. I've been thin 4 times in the last ten years, and the difference in quality of life between fat and thin is, well,....there aren't even WORDS to express it!! I've been thin and I've been fat, and all I can say is that being fat IS NO WAY TO LIVE. That's why I'll NEVER give up trying to lose this (now 70 lbs.)weight!

Since the first of the year I've lost 13 (almost) painless lbs. making small, achievable changes, and not worrying about doing MF perfectly (just doing my best)....didn't eat in the evenings after 7:00, drank plenty of water, slowly incorporating walking, etc. Last fall I was diagnosed with Pre-Diabetes and that was my wake-up call. My cholesterol is borderline-high (218) and my blood-pressure was a little high. since Jan. with my small changes, my bp is back to normal (120/75) (don't know what my
blood-sugars and cholesterol are doing since the test costs about $400).

On March 31st, I decided that it was Do Or Die time and I decided to bite the bullet and commit 100% to Medifast protocol for 30 days come heck or highwater! I felt like 30 days was a doable time period that I could actually DO. I know this program backwards and forwards and I decided that it's time to pee or get off the pot! :wink:

Well, I've been sticking to the 5 & 1 like glue for 12 days now and hoping to find others here in the same boat I'm in cuz MISERY LOVES COMPANY, don'chaknow?! Seriously, I just need to know that I'm not alone.

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Postby DogMa » April 11th, 2006, 9:21 pm

You're nowhere NEAR alone, Joy. I'm just a few years behind you (I'll be 45 in a few months!!) and we're the same height. I've battled my weight my whole life and have serious problems losing pounds at this point. But I'm here and I'm doing it, even if it's taking forever.

There are lots of moms here, too, so you'll feel right at home. (I'm a mom - or "ma" - to two four-legged kids, as my handle suggests. Not quite the same; at least their food is never tempting to me!!)

Reached goal in August 2006
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Postby Arklahoma » April 11th, 2006, 11:46 pm


You are certainly not alone. I've lost and gained weight so many times that I can't even remember how many times it actually was. You've come to the right place and we're all here for you.

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Postby MusicalMomma » April 12th, 2006, 5:36 am

Welcome Joy. We're glad you're back and committed! The people here are such a blessing!! They cheer you on to victory, :cleader: , they help you get back on track when you've strayed from program, :whip: They even give a little tough love from time to time to help ya snap out of a cheating slippery slope :3head: . But all in all, we are ALL in the same boat here and understand the challanges and frustrations of an unbalanced relationship with food. You've off to a great start...12 days in!! Good for You!!!! Keep up the good work! :)
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Postby Mom23 » April 12th, 2006, 5:37 am

Hi Joy! :wave: It's good to meet you -- a lot of what you posted sounds as if we're sisters (I'll be 46 in August, teenage kids, etc)... weight has been a struggle with me off and on since I hit puberty. After marriage and high-risk, complicated pregnancies my weight shot up and has never come back down to where it should be. I've tried and failed at many different diet programs over the years -- I'd lose a lot of weight and then hit a plateau. The last one I tried, I lost over 40 pounds and then stayed at that weight for over 5 months -- I stayed compliant to the program, but did not lose. I let life get in the way (mostly due to my discouragement) and I gained all of the weight back plus some. :cry:

I think what I'm trying to say, is that I think most of us know where you are coming from as you embark on this Medifast journey. I've been on program 3 weeks (today), but visiting this forum for a little longer. This forum is what "talked me into" starting a new life with Medifast as my partner. There are such wonderful men and ladies here who offer the best support and encouragement. I feel as if we are all holding one another's hands :stroll: through this cyber world and that's what I need in my weight loss journey.

We're glad you're here and hope you visit/post often! :exercise:
RE-start date: 10/27/06 (33lbs lost; 12 gained=21 lost on MF prior to re-start)
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Postby falisamarie » April 12th, 2006, 6:00 am

Image It is great to have you here with us losers! You are gonna do just great. You already know the program works so just do the program and you will be to goal in no time!

I am cheering for you :cheerleader:

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Postby lauradr » April 12th, 2006, 6:12 am

Joy, You are not alone, this is my first time on medifast, it's not my first diet i have yo-yo for years and my wakeup call was last fall with alot of health problems blood sugar, high bloodpresser, and alot more, also the doc calling me obess, I am proud to say are great now. I am glade your here and will help any way i can !!!!the team here is great!!!!
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby Trixie » April 12th, 2006, 6:17 am

Welcome Joy! You are not alone. I'm sure evey one of us can relate to some part of your story.

Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to hear of your progress!

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Postby FORMOMMY » April 12th, 2006, 6:20 am


I have had my ups and downs with weight my whole life and did the too skinny tour myself because of all the attention I got saying I was so skinny and so disciplined,etc. I felt if I didn't keep doing it I was a failure - so I HEAR YOU!!!!

This plan is great and I have never felt healthier - you are going to do fine and we are all here to listen, vent, cyberhug and laugh with.

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Phil 4:13

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Postby rosewaddles » April 12th, 2006, 9:33 am


You are certainly not alone, Joy. :)
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Postby bzlife1967 » April 12th, 2006, 9:45 am

Welcome to the MMT Family!! Glad you found us.

Friends are angels that lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly!
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Postby jump4joy » April 12th, 2006, 10:45 am

Wow, thanks for the warm have no idea how much that means to me!!! :D I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better and becoming a part of this wonderful group! :heart:

Thanks so much!

Day 13 and counting.....
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Postby Jan » April 12th, 2006, 11:37 am

Hi Joy,
I just wanted to add my welcome to the group too!! :D You know you can do this -- you've done it in the past. :D Life is a learning experience -- we learn as we go and sometimes we have to repeat an experience a couple of times before "we get it"------- hmmmmm I still can't shift my bicycle without the chain falling offf ------ oh well :? This time I know you will not only part with the pounds but continue right on to transistion and then maintenance. You'll do great and the pounds will be gone forever !!
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Postby Nancy » April 12th, 2006, 7:17 pm

Dear Re-Start Queen ~

We are taking that title away from you.

We are crowning you the Lean Queen.

This is the LAST TIME you'll ever have a re-start 'cuz you are on your way to reigning your Thinny Queendom now!

We're happy to have you on the :lol: Joy Journey with us, Joy!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby jump4joy » April 12th, 2006, 8:05 pm

Thank you for your kind and encouraging words Jan and Nancy! Your positive words expressing belief in me, crowning me the Lean Queen, are like water falling on thirsty ground. :water: Most people might look at my roller-coaster lose/regain past as an indication of an inevitable future failure. I've been THIN THREE times in the past ten years. I've had extended family and so-called friends tell me, "You're doing THAT diet again?!" "You'll just gain it all back." Those were the worst comments. But I don't care what the naysayers have to say....I have YET to see even one of them manage to lose their excess poundage as I have. Each time I've succeeded then gained, I learned from it. I've kept on learning from my mistakes, and I feel like NOW I finally have learned enough to lose it one last time and KEEP it off! I need to place as much effort and determination in my transition/maintenance plan as I do to my weight-loss effort....that has been my fatal flaw in the past...but never again! I'm really determined this time, and now I have 13 days behind me, staying in compliance to MF. I'm so exicted because my head and heart are where they need to be and I'm feeling strong...I feel exactly like I have in the past when I was in the weight-loss ZONE. Does that make sense? I haven't strung this many days together since I last lost my weight almost three years ago! I feel like I'm on my way now....that this really is the LAST restart and (I LOVE what you said, Nancy!)--on my way to Thinny Queendom now! :yes:

This group is just the shot-in-the-arm I've been looking for...your positive energy and support means so much to me. :stroll:

Joy, the garden girl :rose:
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