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Postby upheldwill » February 15th, 2006, 9:13 am

Hi Everyone :)
I just placed my first order last night at the encouragement of my hubby and reading this site. I'm a little nervous...I have done nothing but fail at weight loss and am 170lbs overweight.
I wondered if anyone else here has female problems due to obesity that has gotten better on this program? I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and estrogen dominence and absence of the monthly (sorry guys :| ) ...I feel old before my time (I am 39) and I want to feel alive again....

Thanks :)
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Postby 2BHealthy » February 15th, 2006, 9:18 am

Hi Michelle,

Welcome :wave:

I'm new too. My first day is today, so far so good. I think we both made the right decision! I do understand worries about past failures. I'm a little nervous about that too. I'm just going to trust the program and do the best I can. Good luck and I'll see ya on the forum!
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Postby falisamarie » February 15th, 2006, 9:33 am

Linda and Michelle

Welcome to the team :goteam: You have both chosen such a wise way to part with the pounds.

Michelle--I know that there are some on here with similar problems to yours and I am sure you will be hearing from them. My own experience is that I usually have horrible cramp with TOM but last month which was my first month on Medifast they were totally absent so hopefully this will help you out to.

Best wishes to you both!!

Lisa :rose:
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Postby cynben » February 15th, 2006, 9:41 am

Welcome! You will do great. This is the BEST meal plan (not gonna call it a diet) that I have ever been on...and as for this group, you will never find a place where you will get this kind of positive support.
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Postby Kido » February 15th, 2006, 9:44 am


This is my third day and I am not disappointed. I love the support here, it really helps because I am not used to much support when I diet.
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Postby Jan » February 15th, 2006, 10:19 am

Hi Michelle,
First of all welcome to our group. :D Keep posting and letting us all know how you are doing. It will really help you keep going!! Second, don't worry this forum is filled with people who have given up on ever losing weight but are parting with the pounds. :D They come off one at a time -- just like they go on. :mrgreen: There are several ladies here who have similar problems to yours. Just keep in mind that you are doing the very very best thing for yourself. Each pound off is a victory!! And each pound off decreases your chance of getting other weight related illnesses.
We are all sooooo proud of you for making this scary decision. You will make it too. The program works!!! Just follow it exactly -- don't play with it. Drink all your water and eat every meal. Plus be sure to weigh and measure your lean and green. Seven oz of chicken is more than you think and 5 oz of beef is most likely less. You'll do great and soon we'll all see you reporting how many pounds have parted with you forever!!
I'll be watching for you
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Postby Lizabette » February 15th, 2006, 9:18 pm

Welcome Michelle,

We're so glad to have you here. We will look forward to you great progress and there will be progress you can be assured.

Sticking with it exactly is the key---and with your husband to encourage and support you, and all of us, you will take off the unhealthy pounds one at a time.

Congratulations and welcome from all of us died-in-the-wool Medifasters!

Lizabette :heart:
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Postby Serendipity » February 16th, 2006, 5:04 am

Lizabette wrote:died-in-the-wool

:sheepjump: <-----died in the wool Medifaster :mrgreen:

Welcome Michelle :lol:
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Hi Michelle

Postby Ginabobina1969 » February 16th, 2006, 5:41 am

Welcome Michelle,

I am half asleep and this is my first day ON the program so hopefully this will make sense.

I have PCOS too. I am supposed to be on metformin but quit taking it some time ago. It will be interesting to see how loseing weight affects this condition. Feel free to pm me to chat or ask ?'s or anything really. lol

It's great that you have hubby's support that will help a lot.
We CAN do day at a time!


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Restart-Awaiting order. I cannot even bear to post my current weight...yet.
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Postby MusicalMomma » February 16th, 2006, 6:55 am

Hi Michelle and Gina! My closest and dearest friend has PCOS and dangerously high blood pressure. She's about 60-70 pounds overweight. She is SO beautiful...I mean BEAUTIFUL. I remember the first time I met her and her husband and thought to myself that I wished I could look that beautiful as an overweight person.

Anyway, her mom is doing medifast, I am doing medifast. We're both having success. She was thinking about doing medifast, but decided (to quote her) "there are just some foods I know I can't give up, so I'm just going to try to cut back and exercise". She gets so angry with herself because she feels like a diet failure. I never push medifast, but I do keep telling her about my good results. I know medifast is a REAL committment; financially, physically, spiritually and emotionally. I am PRAYING she will get the desire to give this program a real shot.

I said all of that to say this, PLEASE let me know (either by pm or posting it) if this improves your PCOS condition. I know it has helped those with high blood pressure, but haven't heards its affects on PCOS. She's a great wife and mom and I want her around for decades to come :)

Thanks for sharing your stories. I'm glad you're here!!!
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Postby lauradr » February 16th, 2006, 7:42 am

:yay: Welcome!!! Glade your here :D
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby tammyc » February 16th, 2006, 11:14 am

Welcome to the program. I am new too. It has been one wk since I started.

I worked with a girl with PCOS. She was about 60-80 #'s overweight. She tried to have children and couldnt so she did infertility and ended up with triplets. They decided that was enough for them. She knew that she would never get pg on her own with PCOS. She went on a diet and lost all her weight. It must have reversed her pcos or at least reduced it. She was pg and now has a little girl to add to the triplet boys. Needless to say, hubby went and took care of himself so there were no more babies. Hope your troubles get better along the way too.

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Postby aphrael » February 17th, 2006, 2:03 pm

I have PCOS too. I was prescribed Medaformin as well, but am really bad about taking it since I am not found of the side effects. I haven't taken it in a while. The main reason I was on it was becuase my cycles were non-exsistant. Since sticking with Medifast that part has returned to normal.

Unfortiantly other side effects haven't had much change. But I am only down 20#'s so we will see what happons after I am down 50#'s.

Don't know if that helps any.

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Postby Drama Queen » February 17th, 2006, 3:48 pm


So glad you found this Forum and have made the decision for Medifast. This program works!!! It works different for every person, but it works. I'm finishing my 4th week and I have never had so much energy on a diet before!!

Keep reading and posting here on the Forum. We are all here to offer encouragement, help and support. Memorize your Quick Start book when you get it and work the plan. Ask all the questions you have here on the Forum because the only stupid question is the question unasked! Looking forward to watching your progress!!
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