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New here, saying hi all!

Postby greyhorse » April 18th, 2006, 1:03 pm

I can't believe I didn't find this board until yesterday! I've been doing the Medifast program since 1/03/06 and so far I've lost 70lbs! I've got a way to go, but I know my goal is achievable. :yippee:

Anyway, I'm going to snoop around and lurk for a while to get the feel of this place. Thanks for being here.

Female/53 yo/5'7"/270-200-150ish

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Postby FORMOMMY » April 18th, 2006, 1:05 pm

Welcome greyhorse - nice to meet you!! WOW! 70 pounds since January is unbelievable!!! Huge Congrats to you!! :whoohoo:

This board is great - I'm sure you are going to love all the people here. They are a super bunch!

Again, welcome!
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Postby Mom23 » April 18th, 2006, 1:07 pm

:exercise: we're glad you found us! Welcome! wow! 70 pounds! :bravo: You are doing well! This is a great group of people -- you will find lots of support and encouragement here! Join in whenever you want... :thumbsup:
RE-start date: 10/27/06 (33lbs lost; 12 gained=21 lost on MF prior to re-start)
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Postby Shana » April 18th, 2006, 1:15 pm

Welcome! 70lbs since January is PHENOMENAL!
I'm glad you found the forum so we can all pick your brain :)
I know you're going to achieve your goals!

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Postby MusicalMomma » April 18th, 2006, 1:25 pm

Welcome!!! You are already doing PHENOMINAL!!!! Congratulations!!!! May I ask, are you doing the 5 & 1 program or the full fast? Keep up the great work!!!
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Postby MISSANNE » April 18th, 2006, 1:26 pm

Wow! :bravo: Thats FANTASTIC!!!

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Postby wildtrk » April 18th, 2006, 1:39 pm

Nice 70lbs since the beginning of the year....I want to be saying the same thing the beginning of August!
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Postby Jan » April 18th, 2006, 1:57 pm

Hi There Grey Horse,
You are doing great!!!! 70 pesky pounds gone for good!!!! Whoooo Hooo :D And I agree with you -- your goal is absolutely doable -- you're going to make it!!! Get ready to get the old closet all cleaned out and go shopping for some skinny clothes!!! I know with a 70 pound loss you've already parted with some --- more are going :D :D
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Postby supermom » April 18th, 2006, 2:16 pm

Wow!! 70# since January is GREAT!!! Keep up the good work. Nice to meet you. Keep Shakin!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Postby deirdrek » April 18th, 2006, 2:34 pm

Welcome! So glad you found us :D

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Postby greyhorse » April 18th, 2006, 2:38 pm

Thanks, everyone, for your warm welcomes!

Here's a bit more to introduce myself:

I've been doing the 5 & 1 as to-the-letter as I can. Sugar free Jello is my (one a day) snack of choice. At the end of the first month, I joined Curves, and have been working out 3X a week since. Oh, and I drink lots of water.

I've been on a LOT of diets in my life since I was a kid. I can honestly say MF has been the easiest to stick to by far. For me, the regimentation takes the temptation away - I know what I'm going to eat and when, without the pesky grey areas of counting, and shopping, and cooking, and keeping track of everything to the nth degree.

And this time around, I was the heaviest I've EVER been in my entire life, and I was feeling pretty desperate. I'd been fat most all my life, but I got away with it because I managed to stay active in spite of the poundage. But, uh-uhhh, not any more! All the "yets" I'd barely outrun all the time had finally caught up to me, and beat the heck out of me! Everything hurt! Knees and back shot to h*ll! No energy. Out of breath all the time. Fearing stairs, both up and down. I was unable to do the things I wanted to do or needed to do, like my job! I knew I had to do something about it, but having to lose all those pounds seemed an insurmountable job - I even considered surgery, and wondered how in the world I could pay for it.

Thank God, a co-worker who had mysteriously lost close to 200 pounds told me she'd done it with Medifast! I saw with my own eyes what was possible.

So here I am! :D Glad to be here!

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Postby lauradr » April 18th, 2006, 3:08 pm

greyhorse, Welcome you are doing so good 70 lbs wow!!!!!
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby falisamarie » April 18th, 2006, 5:19 pm

Welcome! You are doing absolutely fabulous and it is great to have you here with us!

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Postby Denise » April 18th, 2006, 8:33 pm

Welcome Greyhorse....your my new Idol! :D
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Postby Arklahoma » April 18th, 2006, 9:51 pm

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