Dear MyLastHope ~
Your name could be changed to
MyLastDiet if you follow all the Medi-rules!
You are doing a great job – your meal plan looks good, you are getting the water in and your meals are spaced out fine.
Get off the scale. It will make you
cwazy and there are enough
crazed people in the world today so don’t add to the population.
Wow! That was easy to say – from
ME, the queen of the bathroom scale. It
IS hard to stay off the scale but since you confessed, back away, beep!
Beep! Back away from the scale.
Putting your hand on a hot stove top burns, barking & snarling dogs bite so wise people avoid them. Avoid your scale until weigh-in Sunday.
I have written many responses throughout the Forum regarding factors that affect weight loss so you’ll just have to do the research, Little Darlin’.
Trust the Take Shape Program, it works. Your flabbage will come off.
Calm down.
The other thing is . . . I'm not supposed to exercise the first month? Is that right?
Yes, that’s right, MyLastHope.
Well . . . some of my friends coaxed me into going to Gold's Gym Monday night for a Body Pumping class.
What kind of FRIENDS do you have? They said "Oh, it's just weight lifting. It's not like an aerobics class or anything." Oh my! That class was intense!
You are not ready for that. You are about 65 pounds over weight right now. How about strapping a 65 pound load of
bricks onto their back and let them haul that around for an hour – they will feel like they are gonna die, too!
I can barely move right now because I'm so sore! Plus, I didn't lose anything after all of that! Of course that was weighing myself yesterday morning and I'm not rechecking anymore because if i still didn't lose I'd be too upset.
Re: Yup. You are jumping the gun here.
Exercise doesn’t begin until week 4 and when it does, it needs to not leave you wiped out but rather refreshed.
Begin slowly, gradually working up to 45 minutes MAX over a period of time.
Stressed muscles = water weight gain.
Aunt Flow for most women = fluid retention.
Fluid retention =
crazed women
You are setting yourself up for psychological failure right now.
This is a low calorie program and it will not support such a work out.