New here on day 1

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New here on day 1

Postby Sarina » May 4th, 2006, 10:32 am

Ok, I'm officially on day one. Although I tried to start yesterday....

I made it to lunch and then tried the chili and gave up. I didn't like it much...made me gag. No more chili for me.

Today I am chugging along, praying that this will work for me. I HAVE to lose this weight!

I have 2 small girls. They need a good role model for a mommy and I want to give them that. I also need to be around for them. I am 29 and too young to be worrying about the health problems that I worry about right now.

Thanks for this is very motivating.

Sarina 281/281/140
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Postby ChiNut » May 4th, 2006, 10:44 am

Welcome Sarina! :wave: You might wait and give the chili another try later as a lot of us have found our tastes change over time. I really disliked the chi latte the first time I tried it and now I actually look forward to it. I add hot sauce to my chili and a little more water as I don't like it as thick. You just have to play around with things to get them the way you like them. I have two boys, 14 and 8, and I too want to be around to enjoy them and have the energy to keep up with them. I have diabetes and heart disease :lightbeam: in my family so I know I need to do this for myself and my kids.
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Postby MusicalMomma » May 4th, 2006, 10:56 am

Welcome Sarina :) Check out the "Lean Cuisine" room here on the forum. There are MANY ways to spice things up and make things tasty :)
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Postby dede4wd » May 4th, 2006, 11:05 am

Hi Sarina!

You already got some great advice! I'm so happy you're getting started with us. You've found the best online support forum ever!

Just stick with it! Things get MUCH easier after the first 3-4 days for most people! If you don't like something...put it aside for a while because my tastes totally changed in weeks 3 & 4. Also, check out the lean cuisine section for ideas for helping the taste of things...just remember, stick with the plan and the plan will work for you!

I have a great deal of respect for your motivations for doing this, it's a good way to keep yourself going!

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Hiya Sarina.

Postby Ginabobina1969 » May 4th, 2006, 11:11 am

Welcome aboard!!

I would say find the items you really love and stick with those items as long as you need too. If you try something that just doesn't taste good to you...put it in the back of the cubbard and wait for a couple weeks before trying it again.

I HATED the chili when I first tried it(I think I wound up throwing two packages away) Last month when I was running low on product I tried cooking it a different way...on the stove with less water and added chili powder and diced tomato...I really enjoyed it, especially with the medifast crackers.

I agree with all the post above here cause our tastes do change dramatically over the course of the program. Right now your still coming down off carbs/sugars/fats and so things are gonna taste "off" to you maybe bland. This will change. Hang in there!!!

You can do this!!

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Postby loriannk » May 4th, 2006, 11:24 am


I too almost gave up on my first day after trying the food. I am so happy I found this forum that same night or I would not have had a day two. The Lean Cusine section gave me tips to may the supplements taste better. I didn't know you could add seasoning, bouilion cubes, extracts, sf syrups by DaVinci, etc.

Keep on shaken and drinking water and the weight will come off. I am doing this for my children as well. YOU CAN DO IT!

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Postby wildtrk » May 4th, 2006, 11:54 am


Glad to have you here. I understand about wanting to be a good role model for your kids. I too have diabetes and heart disease in my family lineage. It is a big concern for me. I am 41 and have a 4 year oldboy as well as an 11 year old step son. If I want to see them into their college years and beyond I need to take better care of myself.

Can't tell you much about the food as I only do shakes, bars, and a lean and green meal. That works for me right now and I am successful with it.

Anyway good luck and glad to have you here.

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Postby chickbb » May 4th, 2006, 12:10 pm

Welcome Sarina...
I didn't like the chili at first either. But if you let it soak a while first, then heat it up, ooooh, I like to add some spicy salsa . Then it is good! My advice is to get adventurous w/ spices! I love curry added to the cream of broc. soup & the chicken noodle. Don't give up...this medifast way of life WORKS !!!
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Postby falisamarie » May 4th, 2006, 12:12 pm

Welcome Sarina it is great to have you with us

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Postby chickbb » May 4th, 2006, 12:17 pm

Welcome Sarina...
I didn't like the chili at first either. But if you let it soak a while first, then heat it up, ooooh, I like to add some spicy salsa . Then it is good! My advice is to get adventurous w/ spices! I love curry added to the cream of broc. soup & the chicken noodle. Don't give up...this medifast way of life WORKS !!!
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Postby jump4joy » May 4th, 2006, 1:01 pm

Welcome Sarina! Ditto to what everyone said.... :mrgreen:
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Postby Ct. Yankee » May 4th, 2006, 1:43 pm

Hi Sarina! So glad that you are here!!! :D :D :D

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Postby Bonnie » May 4th, 2006, 3:33 pm


We are so glad you made a decision to take care of your health before your body starts showing you signs that it does not like how you are treating it.

What a wonderful mom you are to set a great example for them. You and your kids will benefit from your good choices.

Medifast is a great way to lose and maintain your weight! Once you have been on the plan for 4 days it will be so much easier for you.

Feel free to ask us questions. We are here to encourage you along the way.
I lost 50lbs Through Take Shape for Life

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Postby lauradr » May 4th, 2006, 3:41 pm

Sarina, Welcome!!!
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby Pashta » May 4th, 2006, 3:54 pm

Hi Sarina, welcome! :wave:

Pull up a chair and stay awhile. :)
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