New Here and Stressing!

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New Here and Stressing!

Postby mmob » January 18th, 2006, 11:03 am

Hi all -

where to start? From the beginning I guess - I 've always been athletic and active and never had a weight problem - then I moved north - to new england and got married to a man that can eat his weight in food and not gain an ounce - life is so unfair!! Actually in the beginning I did fine- then winter hit - and I injured my knee running - thus slowing down my active life considerably. I got married and had two wonderful kids - the second I was on bedrest with and I gained weight. For 8 years after Dan's birth I struggled to get it off - and failed every time. I tried WW, I tried Atkins, South Beach etc....never was able to stick to anything. And I slowly kept gaining - got up to 180lbs - then at the age of 39, God blessed us with another baby - a suprise. After, I gained another 20lbs and just cannot seem to get it off.

I'm frustrated, depressed with my appearance and it's affecting my life - I dread social things - although I end up there because hubby is a VERY social creature - but I dread it - I feel tired and icky.

I live in orbit - maybe that is why I fail at all things I have tried - I am busier than busy - my 14 yr old daugher is a competitive figure skater - she's at the rink (which is 25 miles from home) approx 8 hours a week or more - my middle son is a drummer - and on the golf and basketball teams - that keeps us busy - and the little guy who is now almost 3, just has unending energy!! I am also a graphic designer and photographer and that keeps me hopping. From the time I get up to when I lay down I'm in motion - but I eat all wrong- grab at things and crave the wrong things. If the world were free from Cheese, nachos and salsa I'd be thin!! LOL

Hubby is getting frustrated with me - not because my weight bothers HIM but it bothers me - I've lost interest in a physical relationship as I HATE the way I look, and he knows that I hate how I feel. He works out and keeps in shape but he isn't running all over kingdom come with the kids so he has time!

I have done some work for a realtor in the area - she was quite heavy - and then didn't see her for a while- she called needng some work done - WOW oh WOW - she looked AMAZING. I asked what she had done and she told me Medifast - this was last year- she still looks great and I've thought aboutit - but thought nah - that's not a 'healthy' way...etc... you know the old school of thought.

Then I realized being this heavy is not healthy EITHER. So after much reading in here and the blessing of my hubby - I am going to give this a try.

I might add - I'm down in Fla right now as my father is dealing with cancer and the prognosis is dim. But as stressfull as that is - my dad is 91 and he's had such a great life - he made me realize that I WANT to live and feel good, I seem to always WAIT to live - thinking "I'll do this WHEN I lose weight...etc..." Time doesn't always wait you know?

So I ordered the stuff - and I assume it will be there when I get home to my brood - I miss them terribly. I plan to relax this weekend - (not binge or anything - just relax) and then on Monday start Medifast.

I have a lot of aprehension about failing and a lot of questions - I am not sure how this works - I oreded the booklet so hope that helps. I fear failing at this too - but I am going to think positve. I'll be coming back down to Florida in Feb to help my mom again and hope to feel a little lighter when I do.

I have to say though - I notice you are supposed to have celery or pickles at timea nd I hate hate hate both - can you do it without having those things??

Well, if you have read this far - thanks!! Wish me luck and I hope I can do this.

Take Care -

Started MF 1/23/06 at 204.5lbs

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Postby MusicalMomma » January 18th, 2006, 11:16 am

Hey there Maria!!! Welcome!!! :hug:

Before I do NOT have to eat celery and pickles. They are simply on the list of acceptable snacks :thumbup:

Life does get busy and before we know it...the years have flown by. Like you, most of us here are committed to living our lives to the fullest...not only
"when we get thin" but AS we get healthy and fit too.

I think you're going to love how easy (and tasty) this plan is. I just got my first order on Monday, but I have liked everything so far and am getting adjusted nicely. The first three days are the hardest and we are here to cheer you on :cleader: and support you!

We're glad you're here!!!
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Postby falisamarie » January 18th, 2006, 11:53 am


Welcome to the team :goteam:

Joyce is right in that there are other acceptable snacks on the program

I know that we can have 1cup sugar free jello
and boullion as snacks also :bib:

I started on Sunday and feel wonderful and have enjoyed all the meals I have tried :buddies:

What part of Florida are you in? I am in the Orlando area and I am loving the cooler weather today :woohoo: Ok for all of you guys from the north 60 may not be considered cool to you but to us Florida natives it is jacket and sweater time :-P

I KNOW this program will work for you and you will be out there keeping up with your busy schedule with no problem before you know it :treadjog:

The forum is a wonderful place to find the extra support you will need so keep reading and keep posting :puter:

Start date 1/15/06
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Parting with the pounds

Postby Jan » January 18th, 2006, 2:37 pm

Hi Maria,
Don't worry this program is very very easy. :D For the most part (except the lean and green) no weighing, measuring, counting and figuring. Just shake it up, nuke (if necessary)and go. Plus, you may want to check our the Ready to Drinks. That way you can just take a couple with you in the car so that you don't even have to worry about mixing . Just shake it up, pop in a straw and all ready. :D You'll be parting with the pounds and feeling much much better about yourself in no time.
Drink all your water, don't skip a meal and make sure you don't go over 3 hours between meals and you are all set. Before you know it you will even have more energy to keep up with the "kids". Just think how great your are going to be looking and feeling when summer gets here.
I'll keep watching for you.
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Postby Guest » January 18th, 2006, 8:24 pm

Thanks for the welcome guys - I'm trying to do as much reading up on it before I get home.

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Postby Nancy » January 18th, 2006, 9:45 pm

Maria ~

Welcome! Fear of failure is common for all of us -

When we are on phase one, the weight loss part we :felix: worry that we won't like the taste of the food, we worry we won’t be able to eat every three hours, we worry we won’t get 8 glasses of water down, we worry we won’t be able to stick with the program, we worry that our food will be late to arrive, etc.

When we get close to transition and maintenance we :oops: worry that we won’t be able to keep it off, we worry about how we look, we worry if people will try to :twisted: fatten us up again, etc.

Fear and worry can :shock: paralyze us.

One thing that is really important is to realize that Medifast has been around for 25 years, thousands of doctors have used it, well over a million people have lost weight and there are many here on the Forum that have lost weight and are feeling and looking great.

It works. :yes:

An important part of weight loss is changing how we view food, maintaining a positive outlook, don’t look back at past failures – this approach to losing weight is new for many of us because we are all on the run. It seems we take care of everyone else but ourselves. You ARE one busy person, Maria. This will be super for you as it will give you the healthy nutrition you need to stay in orbit!

Set the alarm on your telephone to go off every three hours and knock back a shake and cruise on!

YOU can do it.
You CAN do it.
You can DO it.
You can do IT.
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