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Postby error » January 29th, 2004, 7:09 am

:x :x :x
okay guys seriously...
i decided to start my plan today becuase i didn't get next week off.. and i'm ready to start. i wrote down my schedule for one week, i mark my five packets in the corner is 1 2 3 4 5. okay.. i make the first shake.. IT TASTES LIKE CRAP!!! it's the dute chocolate mess. seriously guys.. it's terrible. i had to hold my nose to swollow.. it feels like snot going down my throat and the aftertaste is terrible. whenever i burp i can taste it and i have to drink five of these things a day !?!?!?!#R#WKE
a'lkgmd b/.;lyjh'owt4oAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!. MY FIRST SHAKE AND I'M ALREADY CRAZY!. okay okay.. i know i can do this.. i just have to get past the taste and maybe ill get used to it. but if this is the way the chocoate tastes.. i'm afraid of what the vanilla tastes like.. ::burp::.. it makes me burp too. well okay .. that's my rant on day one first shake. i'm sure there will be more to come.. help guys.
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Postby Kimbob » January 29th, 2004, 7:45 am

I actually like the dutch chololate shake, it's the only one I can drink "undoctored."

But there are many things you can do to help with the shake flavors. For one, I always add 9-10 ounces instead of just 8. That should help with the "snot" texture.

The other thing is to prepare the shakes in a blender with ice. The colder they are the better they taste - I promise! You can also blend them with a diet soda instead of water. With the vanilla, that is PARTICULARLY tasty. Sometimes I also add cinnamon or a dash of nutmeg. You can add a few crystals of instant coffee, or even just mix the shake with cold coffee for a frapuccino treat! Some folks also like to add a little bit of crystal light, although that doesn't suit my taste as well. I've also heard that there are sugar-free syrups that you can add to the shakes, but I haven't tried them.

Since a blender isn't always available, I make sure to add ice when I drink the shake. Like I said, I can drink the dutch chocolate undoctored, so hopefully you will also find a flavor you prefer for those quick, on-the-go shakes during the day.

I hope this helps! Keep us informed - the program really works and I hope that you develop a "taste" for it! :)

Good luck!

Kimbob the Hopeful
Last edited by Kimbob on January 29th, 2004, 8:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby error » January 29th, 2004, 7:55 am

i <3 you kimbob.

i don't have a blender.. i guess it would be a good investment huh. the cold coffee mix sounds really good.. it's just that i work at a convience store called wawa, it's on the east coast and i'm used to my coffee tasting REALLY SWEET, and REALLY CREAMY, there's this french vanilla creamer i always use, then i put in a lot of sugar and a dollup of whipped cream mmm.. okay shut up lisa, no more of that;anyway. i've read about the syrups too.. and i think my next shake, which is in thrity minutes :yay: :? .. i'll add ice.

also, i think this is all mental but as i was drinking it, and afterward i got the shakes. i'm alomst positve it's mental. my stomach feels fine i feel fine i guess maybe i'm nervous and that's why im jittery. i dunno.. ::Cry:: okay okay, i'll be all right.
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Postby Kimbob » January 29th, 2004, 8:21 am

Error - my heart goes out to you! It can be so scary starting something new :(

Just keep your "eye on the prize." Take a look at the statistics of the folks here and know that you will do just as well! Next week you will see that scale down and suddenly you will think those shakes are the greatest invention in the world :) :). Don't focus on what you're "giving up," because what you're really giving up isn't french vanilla creamer, it's an unhealthy way of life. What you're gaining is SO MUCH better than any creamer ever made, and besides, whipped cream and tasty creamers will still be there when you're a new, skinner you!

So keep your mind and heart on the future, focus on the goal, and remember, we're always here for you.

Kimbob the Encouraging
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Postby error » January 29th, 2004, 10:19 am

yesss.. i was talking to myself earlier, when i was guzzeling the second shake. i was walking around telling myself that i could do this, that i can love myself enough to chug this cup of nastiness. and i did it ! and then i drank a ton of water... 82 ounces in four and a half hours.. talk about going to the bathroom.. i have to go right now as i type this. i ate a dill pickle, i'm scared, dill pickles are okay right? RIGHT KIMBOB?q@#$>?! :oops:
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Postby sher » January 29th, 2004, 10:56 am

Hi all, hey, I KNOW what you mean...that vanilla, a little more sweetner, nutmeg and cinnamon, WAHLA...eggnog... :D but you HAVE to experiment...make it FUN....I bought Faygo redpop, blended with vanilly...YUMMY...BUT it is really after its blended, I pour the rest of the can and it....I just bought those sugar free flavors by Davinci, Wally world has them, only two flavors though, vanilla and Hazlenut, not only will they help the shakes, but I use in my coffee..hey I am gonna try that coffee with vanilla...I will just make my coffee really strong...that will be great I'm sure....its do or DIE.....and I am gonna DO THIS NO MATTER WHAT..just don't like the alternative of a life long of illness and depression...that is OVER for me because..... EVEN with a stall in weight, its just not ALL about weight, but health and well being...those last three days for me were a BITCH..belive me....but I made it....and you all will too.....
starting again at 196
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goal - when I LOOK and FEEL good

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