So, what can you do now thanks to your healthier, slimmer body that you couldn't do previously?
Here's a portion of my list:
clip my toenails
tie my shoe with one hand on either side of my leg
curl up in my futon chair
curl up with my hubby in his futon chair
adjust the driver's seat based on the length of my legs not the size of my belly
buy clothes in pseudo regular stores
pick something up off the floor without bracing myself
pick MYSELF up off the floor
sit cross-legged on the bed (or in my futon chair -- haven't tried it on the hard floor, though)
walk past sugary stuff even when no one's looking
fly on an airplane without an extender
put the tray table down unobstructed on said airplane
fit through turnstyles
fit in middle school-sized desks (any style)
hear comments on a regular basis about how good I look
buy nylons in the grocery store
wear those nylons comfortably
I can't wait to read YOUR list!! (Isn't this a great program?)