New freedoms

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New freedoms

Postby Diana » October 22nd, 2006, 7:41 pm

So, what can you do now thanks to your healthier, slimmer body that you couldn't do previously?

Here's a portion of my list:

clip my toenails
tie my shoe with one hand on either side of my leg
curl up in my futon chair
curl up with my hubby in his futon chair
adjust the driver's seat based on the length of my legs not the size of my belly
buy clothes in pseudo regular stores
pick something up off the floor without bracing myself
pick MYSELF up off the floor
sit cross-legged on the bed (or in my futon chair -- haven't tried it on the hard floor, though)
walk past sugary stuff even when no one's looking
fly on an airplane without an extender
put the tray table down unobstructed on said airplane
fit through turnstyles
fit in middle school-sized desks (any style)
hear comments on a regular basis about how good I look
buy nylons in the grocery store
wear those nylons comfortably

I can't wait to read YOUR list!! (Isn't this a great program?)
Here's to our mutual success! :buddies: --Diana
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Postby Nova » October 22nd, 2006, 8:34 pm

I like lists like this.

I can:

Wear a belt
Look good with my shirt tucked in
Enjoy having my picture taken
Wear high heels comfortably
Wear nylons comfortably
Go shopping in any clothes store
Have my husband pick me up and carry me around
Climb 6 flights of stairs easily
Fit in airline seats with room to spare
Enjoy sex a whole lot more
Walk down a crowded street and feel normal
Walk past sweets and goodies without a twinge of desire

Would you rather eat what you want, or wear what you want?
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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » October 23rd, 2006, 11:39 am

Here are a few:

Stop and look at my reflection in the mirror instead of avoiding it.
Go clothes shopping and actually like trying them on in the dressing room.
Having to try on another size 'cause the one I picked was too big!
Tying or buckling my shoes without gasping for air.
Friends commenting that I look skinny.
Not hiding my face when someone wants to take a picture of me.
See the numbers on the scale move down instead of up!
Walk past pizza, cookies or ice cream without wanting some.
Last edited by hulagirlfromhawaii on October 24th, 2006, 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby VictoriousNat » October 23rd, 2006, 1:32 pm

Those are some really good ones! I like anything having to do with fitting comfortably into any seat...especially ones with arms. I posted this earlier but I can't wait to sit on a flight and buckle the seat belt and have 12 inches of belt left over. And I want to see space/seat on either side of my thighs.
Start 8/24/06
Lost 34lbs and over 30 Inches. Regained 9lbs. Down 4lbs on vacation in Jamaica - yeehaw!
Waiting for Doctor's clearance to restart MF.
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Postby Diana » October 23rd, 2006, 7:00 pm

Oh yeah! I forgot about the hubby picking me up!! isn't it cool?

And, Nat, absolutely! I'm all for space around the thighs! And crossing my KNEES, not just my calf laid across one thigh.

We are truly on our way! :runner:
Here's to our mutual success! :buddies: --Diana
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