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Postby auntjanot » March 11th, 2004, 11:50 am

Hi! I have been reading the posts on the forum for a few days now and I decided that I would love to be encouraged and supported by such a great bunch too.

I started Medifast on Feb. 9 I lost 12# the first week Iwas happy, felt great and was motivated. Then on the 18th, my dad passed away and a few days later my grandmother passed away. I was out of control and doing a lot of emotional eating. I started back on the program on Monday, the 8th. I am on my 4th day and total loss is 18#. It was harder to get started the second time than the first. I am still sad and I really want to fill this void with food, but I am motivated again.

I hope that mabe someday soon I can give some encouragement to others.
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Postby Starloser63 » March 11th, 2004, 12:48 pm

Dear auntjanot,

I am so sorry to hear of your double loss. Sending prayers for your comfort.

I am proud of you for getting back on program. Take care of yourself. I know your probably still numb, but you are doing a good thing for yourself. It won't take you long to start supporting others.

Welcome to the group. Keep reading and posting.

(((Big Hugs)))
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Postby auntjanot » March 11th, 2004, 12:51 pm

Thanks Susan,

All prayers will be greatly apprciated.
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Re: new to forum

Postby explorthis » March 11th, 2004, 12:54 pm

auntjanot wrote:Hi! I have been reading the posts on the forum for a few days now and I decided that I would love to be encouraged and supported by such a great bunch too.

I started Medifast on Feb. 9 I lost 12# the first week

I hope that mabe someday soon I can give some encouragement to


First, very sorry about your loss.

Second... You are here for one reason FOR YOU! The only encouragement you need right now is for YOU. You obvioisly have seen some progress, EIGHTEEN POUNDS, tell me that is not encouraging... ?!?!?!

As you progress more and more, you will become old hash at this. This will become your new miracle.

Stick with us.. Share all your thoughts. There is no grading here, we are all in the exact same boat - TOGETHER!!

Again, welcome!

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Postby shineface » March 11th, 2004, 6:55 pm

Dear, Dear Aunt Janot---

I am so sorry for your losses ---- you are in the right place.

Everyone here is waiting to support and provide information and care - this place is what's making me successful!

Being an emotional eater, I can really understand how hard this time must be for you ---BUT you are doing it - for yourself. GOOD FOR YOU!!!

I am here and I know others are that will listen and share..

WE WILL do this together!!!

Hang in there sweetie - take care of you and I promise things will get better! God Bless you and your family!
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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Postby auntjanot » March 13th, 2004, 8:57 am

Thanks, That is just the kind of encouragement I need. I have a very difficult time being positive about myself. Until, I can improve at that, I'll take where I can get it.
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Postby Landylue » March 13th, 2004, 1:38 pm

Hi, auntjanot! Let me share something with you. I learned a long time ago that thinking positively about yourself is simply a CHOICE! None of us would allow an ugly little troll to follow us around all day, staying right at our heels, telling us over and over again how ugly we are, how fat we are, how stupid we are, how clumbsy we are, how ungraceful we are, and, oh yeah, those people over there are probably laughing at you, etc. I, for one, would turn around and kick the bothersome imp clear into next week. WHY we tell OURSELVES things like that over and over again inside our head is a learned HABIT which can be changed. The next time you have that first negative thought, imagine yourself turning around and physically kicking out at the troll. In fact, if no one is around, go ahead and do it! Kick the little beast away from you and say something positive right out loud--or at least with great gusto inside your head! Something along the lines of:

1. I am an awesome spirit being of magnificent worth as a person!
2. I am loved by the creator of the universe!
3. I am an incredible person!
4. I am a strong woman and I'm getting even stronger!

You get the idea. . .

You've come to the right support group, auntjanot. Please take it easy these next few weeks. Know that it is perfectly natural at a time like this for sorrow to wash over you like a wave, but, with time, it WILL ease, and you'll come out of this stronger and more compassionate.

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