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Postby Jan » April 22nd, 2005, 7:55 pm

Hi, my name is Jan. I have been on the program for about 8 weeks and have lost 21 pounds. The weight does come off. I personally stay off the scale everyday ( I drive Nancy crazy as my clothes get looser but I don"t know the exact amount of weight I've lost. ) I think it would be too hard for me to monitor my weight so closely since normal weight does fluctuate during the month. I would rather weigh about every other week of so. That way I get a nice surprise. -- I eat the oatmeal almost everyday at night as my bedtime snack! That way when I've finished my lean and green I know I have something yummy coming. I make it thick like bread pudding and sprinkle it with some extra cinnamon. It's my treat and I go to bed with my tummy full! It is hard to cook for other people but I just weigh out my portion and then dish up theirs. I love asparagus so I treat myself to some and they get something else I find if I concentrate on
my goal -- a picture helps -- I'm not tempted. I also put a "happy face "on my calendar at the end of the day to reward myself for being good -- I love to see the row of Happy Faces-- Hope this helps-- You can do it too!
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Postby doglover » April 23rd, 2005, 5:38 am

Hi Jan! These are great ideas! I love the happy face idea! I have loads of stickers and I bet I can find some to put on my calendar! I am a real calendar slave too - I have 3 in the house! I like to list things and check them off! I even went so far as to put "shower" on my calendar when I was really ill a couple years back so that I could check SOMETHING off!

Anyway, the add a sticker idea is right up my alley! Thanks for the suggestion. Welcome to the board and congrats on your weight loss so far!
Donna - frequent flyer to FL!
Feb 7, 2005 start date
176/150/150 - made it in 9 weeks! 26 lbs off!
150/139.5/140 - made it in 8 1/2 more weeks! 36.5 lbs off!
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Postby DonicaB » April 23rd, 2005, 7:19 am

Hi Jan, I agree with Donna, I love the ideas. I am so glad you decided to join us in sharing in this MF journey. You are doing great!!! I look forward to talking (writing :puter: ) with you more.

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Postby dlr2424 » April 23rd, 2005, 7:33 am

doglover wrote: I like to list things and check them off! I even went so far as to put "shower" on my calendar

Donna...........we must have similar personalities......... :D ....there isn't a day in my life that I can remember...that I haven't made a list....... :goofy: ......I LOVE to cross off the completed tasks..... :yay: must be the analitical side of me...... :mrgreen: ....I always have my pen and list with me..... :thumbup:

Jan.....welcome aboard........ :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ...that row of happy faces is for you!!!!!!!...... :toast: ....I congratulate you on your success!!!!...and I'm so glad you have joined us....... :mrgreen: ...


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Postby Jan » April 25th, 2005, 7:34 pm

I'm back in the forum-- much to my husband's dismay. He has been a computer engineer for 35 yrs and as you all know I am really a baby when it comes to computers. I just press the buttons and things happen-- sometimes a BIG surprise. He is trying to be patient with me but I am a SLOW LEARNER and to think I was a teacher!! :shock: Anyway I had to share with you that my 29 year old son started the program. He is 6'5" tall and very muscular -- but has a tummy. He calls the program "Belly Be Gone" :lol: I call the program the blubber buster 8)
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Postby dlr2424 » April 26th, 2005, 8:07 pm

Jan............ :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: ......"Belly be Gone"............"Blubber Buster"...............I have to remember them.............In my case it would be "ButtBeGone"...or "BootieBeGone"........... :D

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