New to M-fast, first day

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New to M-fast, first day

Postby shawna » January 11th, 2004, 8:10 pm

Hi there,

I don't have anything exciting to say other than I have made it through most of day 1 successfully. Man, I'll have to carry water bottles with me wherever I go to get all the water drinking in! I had a headache, but no biggie.

Just out of curiosity, what have most of you experienced in weight loss for the 1st 4 months? I know results vary...

Other than that, thanks for all your posts -- I find them encouraging as I begin this journey.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13
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Postby Maggie » January 11th, 2004, 8:52 pm

Hi Shawna........Welcome to our forum family. Congratulations on getting through your first day. The first week weight loss is usually the greatest. You lose a lot of water weight. I have a lot of weight to lose so my loss is probably not typical but I lost 15 lbs. the first week, then 5 lbs. each for 2 weeks. then 4 lbs. then 2lbs. and then finally this week I lost another 4 lbs. You should be able to lose at least 5-7 lbs. this week, maybe more. This seems to be the typical amount lost. I enjoyed going back and reading through all the posts on the forum. You will recognize some of the names as people who post regularly and some of the others we haven't heard from for a while. You will be able to get an idea of what each person has lost and the length of time it has taken them. Reading the past posts will also answer a lot of questions that you may have. When you run into a problem, just sign on to the forum and post your problem. We are here to help each other. Maggie
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