We realize sometimes first time clients may not care for the taste of one or two of the items in their variety kit; therefore, they created the Take Shape For Life Exchange Policy for first time clients.
The Exchange Policy is for first-time clients only who want to be on the program, but may want to exchange some products from their first order for different products.
The new policy reads:
As a first time client of Take Shape For Life, if you are dissatisfied with any Medifast Meal, you may exchange up to 3 boxes of product for a comparable product within 14 days from the date of purchase.
Included with the Exchange Policy in new client orders is a document with the product exchange options. The client completes the form and returns the products (no more than 3 boxes) along with the form to:
Take Shape For Life
601 Sunrise Avenue
Ridgely, MD 21660
Here is an overview of the policy:
• Applies to NEW (first-time) clients only on their initial order.
• Client may exchange up to three boxes of product for up to three boxes of comparable product within 14 days of purchase.
• Clients who wish to exchange product must complete the new Exchange Form included in all initial orders, with name, ID #, order #, shipping address, and the product they would like to receive in exchange. The form must be included and returned to Take Shape For Life, along with the products they are exchanging.
• The client will receive the replacement product within 7 – 10 days.
Please keep in mind that the 100% money back guarantee still applies if a first-time client (with an order over $275) is unable to remain on the program and returns the entire order.
The Exchange Policy provides new clients with an opportunity to have the great Medifast Meals of their choice, to experience success on the program and benefit from the invaluable support of our Health Coaches.
If there are any questions regarding this new policy, please contact Health Advisor Services at 877-270-5708 or healthadvisorservice at tsfl dot com.