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New Discovery

Postby lorriehartley » April 2nd, 2004, 11:31 am

I took a day off from work to clean my house, looked like a herd of goats exploded in it. As I have been cleaning, my stomache started to growl and I become hungry, but I really wanted to finish the kitchen before I went to eat. Guess what, I didn't starve to death, I didn't die, I am still here. It is OKAY to be hungry, you will survive.

I know noone else feels like they are going to die from hunger on this plan :D , just sharing my own closet challenges.

Hope everyone has a humdinger of a MF week-end.

Back to cleaning for me.

:shock: that is for when I open my daughters door to their rooms. :cry: That is for me having to clean it up. 8) This is me driving in my car to get a movie --TGIF. ;) That is for all the winks I am going to get from all my soon to be admirers.
God's mercies are renewed everyday.

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Postby shineface » April 2nd, 2004, 11:38 am

Hey Lorrie ---

Good for you taking time for you - how often we don't do that -- I have been doing the last three days and God does it feel good - I feel so much more focused and at peace... able to re-enter the real world with inner strength and attitude.

YOU go girl!

WE WILL do this together!!! :stroll:
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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Postby Alison » April 2nd, 2004, 1:53 pm

Yup you will survive. I am glad you got through the cleaning experience. I did the same thing on Monday. I actually chose to scrub down my whole house to distract myself from my stomach growling. I just kept telling myself Wed. is my 1st weigh-in day and I want to get an accurate reading. Just till wednesday I kept thinking-now it's Friday and I'm still hangn' in. One day one hour at a time!! Sometimes I just walk around the block to get through my desire to have 5 shakes in a row or to just say screw it till after Easter or I can have 1 chocolate kiss or or or... Forget it!!! I need to do this!! I will do this, just think short term for now it helps!!
Have a great weekend and go out and buy yourself a fashion mag and check out what you are closer to buying now than before you started MF!!
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Postby Carrie » April 2nd, 2004, 2:09 pm

What I never really get a grasp on is how much of my hunger had nothing to do with being physically hungry. I'd imagine that I have rarely felt actual hunger before now. Now, I have actual hunger sometimes between shakes.

I'm still hungriest though because I'm worried, anxious, bored, upset, mad, exhausted, etc. Being back at my parents house for a few days last week was tough. I found myself starving because I was mad at my mom or exhausted from trying to take care of my dad, etc, etc. All false reasons for being hungry. I tried to control it, like once I was just fuming at mom so I went in my room and ate an MF bar. Better than a bag of cookies I guess, and it was close to meal time.

And I've been doing it forever. I remember very vividly being 17 and having an argument with my boyfriend and thinking 'I'm so mad I want a hot fudge sundae.' I did stop for just a moment and think 'What does that have to do with anything?' but I went on and binged anyway. Flash forward to SEVENTEEN years later and there I am in 'my room' eating a MF bar because my mom's driving me nuts.

I've been this way for a long long time, and it isn't going to change instantaneously, but I can whittle away at it bit by bit. I can't control what happens around me or to me for the largest part, but I can control my reactions to it.

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Postby Maddie » April 2nd, 2004, 4:28 pm

I'm feeling better today..thanks for all the suuport. I don't think I've been hungry but very tired. Yesterday I left work earley and went to sleep.
I started to feel better then...maybe that was aturning point for me.
I am trying to stay in today. It helps to read that you all think the same crazy thoughts that I do about food. I'm not so alone someone understands me.
I'mm not ready to clean house yet, maybe I never will again (just kidding)
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