New diet program

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New diet program

Postby Amanda_B » February 12th, 2006, 5:36 pm

Hey I'm amanda and I just came on here to ask for your guys' opinion on this program. I'm going to combine my current diet with this meditation program that I found. here's the link and please tell me whether it's a waste of time and money or that I should actually invest in it. Thank you and god bless. <snip>no urls please - Mr. Snippy</snip>
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Postby Serendipity » February 13th, 2006, 5:30 am

Mr. Snippy doesn't allow us to post urls. Maybe you could discribe this meditation program. Personally, I would say that if you have to pay for it, it's probably not worth it. Medifast is all you need to lose the weight and get a new attitude about life. I was amazed at how my mind started working things out when it wasn't clouded with sugar/fat/carbs and crud.
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Time and Money

Postby Jan » February 13th, 2006, 7:47 am

Hi There,
I'm with Serendipity -- Medifast is all you need. It really is a matter of balance and calories in and calories expended. Read the Quick Start Book follow it exactly and you'll do great. Don't fool around with Medifast -- Just follow along. The forum is another wonderful tool. Keep posting. There are lots of ways to "lose weight" out there -- but this is simply the fastest and safest. It "works" great all by itself!!! -- you don't need to waste your money by adding things to it.
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Postby Unca_Tim » February 13th, 2006, 9:13 am's definitely a spam ad, but I like to leave a few here so other spammers know that we don't allow and monitor this site.

Thanks for keeping an eye out guys....:)
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