I'm new and wondering how much salad can i have?

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I'm new and wondering how much salad can i have?

Postby MsApril » April 30th, 2005, 5:30 pm

:cleader: Hello all! I am glad to have found this site. I have already lost 80 pounds using a non-MF plan and am down to 250. I had been down to 199 about 3 years ago and I have slowly put it back on. I am excited about this plan. I ordered my MF and it should be here this week. :wavie:

I do have a question-- :puter: I am a researcher by nature and I have literally read 5 hours on MF and other liquid fast "diets". I am kinda confused about the salad. If I understand the 5+1 it is 5 meal replacements ( in any combo - but only ONE BAR!) and the lean and green is now 7 ounces of lean meats and 2 cups salad greens and 1/2 cup other non-starch veggies OR 1 1/2 cups cooked non starchy veggies. The part that has me confused is I have read that you can also have a "SNACK/TREAT" of 2 cups salad greens and 1/4 cup non starch veggies... is this in ADDITION to the "lean and green" salad or did i read the post wrong?
Ms April in Arkansas
"Dance like no one is watching!"

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