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New and nervous

Postby 2fat4fun » July 23rd, 2005, 7:08 am

Well here I go - I am drinking my first shake - I ordered a sample pack and figured I would give it a try for a day. I have been reading the boards and am not sure I will be able to do this.

The recipes seem almost overwhelming and although I have read a lot of information I feel very confused. I used a blender for a chocolate shake and it was a little granually at first but it's getting better as I drink it.

Just thought I would say hi and say that I can't even imagine having the ability to lose the 50 pounds I have to lose. :x

Any simple suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all!
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Postby martha » July 23rd, 2005, 7:24 am


Hey and welcome!!!!!! this is the best forum I have ever found for support..The people really care about you and your weight loss.. I have personally never used a blender to this day.. I make mine all in the morning.. I start with 1 being made before bedtime.. I drink it upon rising and then make the rest all at 1 time(while home).. they are not very good when you just mix them up (without the blender) unless they sit.. that way everything blends together really well..
You can do this..the 1st 3 days are the hardest.. usually have headaches and hunger pains but after that it's not bad.. This program really works.. I have my lean and green with my family or when we go out to eat.. Good luck and come here for any questions you might have..Nancy, Unca Tim and the gang can answer them for you.. or you can click on the search^ and put in what you are looking will pull up all the info pretaining to that subject..Most of the people use the Magic Bullet to mix their shakes(small blender)--Martha
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Postby Ash's mom » July 23rd, 2005, 7:38 am

Hi 2fat4fun....

I too am just beginning Medifast and am just starting Day 3. From reading the posts I was extremely nervous about the first day, but made it through with flying colors. I did need 2 bouillon to pick me up between shakes and ate one pickle, but it really wasn't hard. Day 2 went by without a hitch as well. It's day 3 and I feel like I can really do more cravings's great!!

I felt the same way about my first much as I blended it, it didn't taste very well, but I slurped it up anyway....after that first shake the others have started to taste better and better....taste buds seem to be adjusting well. The sugar free syrups are very helpful as well....carmel...yummy!!

Since we are both newbies we should keep a look out for eachother. I have said in my previous post that I need to lose weight so I can take my son to Disney World next March....I'm hoping for at least 75 pounds gone by then...big motivation for me to stay on track.

On day 1 my sister (from Louisiana) called and asked if my son and I wanted to meet up with her family at Sea World in San Antonio the following weekend. Though I was really excited to go I was freaking out...already stressing about what I was going to eat and how I would handle the on day 3, my fears are put to rest. Ordering a big bottled water and a cup of ice to mix my shakes is already on the menu. I'm going to pack my purse with shakes and one bar and enjoy the I can look forward to the trip and am getting really excited to go!!

I will be thinking of you today....please keep us all posted......I don't have the knowledge that everyone else has, but I'm a good listener....... scale does say 3 pounds gone already......but I'm not officially posting till next Thursday....after week 1....but it sure helps!!

I love this forum!!!

Take care.....Heather
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Postby ladyhawke » July 23rd, 2005, 7:53 am

The recipes are great, pick the thing you really like it is the best diet and you feel really good on it.
My secret weapons are the chili with salsa, chopped Vidalia onions and FF sour cream, the shakes in the Magic Bullet with ice, the oatmeal "cookies" with lots of cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice at night with Sleepytime tea and tons of cold water and the pickles.

Get through the first week without cheating and it will be clear sailing after that and you will be so glad you did.

Good luck!
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Postby Jan » July 23rd, 2005, 10:29 am

Gosh Everybody
I guess I'm just an "oddball" I just talked with Nancy, ordered my stuff, mixed up my first shake, drank it -- it was fine and continued on. 40 pounds are now gone for good!! I think the shakes are great. If I want something different I just mix a vanilla with rootbeer (diet) or orange soda(diet too). No worries just follow along and do the stuff. Maybe I'm telling a tale about me -- I guess the old tastebuds aren't too sophisticated and I think this a lazy person's program. No fuss, fo figuring, no counting, just mix and drink -- pretty simple and effective. Works great!!
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Postby LeeannNH » July 23rd, 2005, 10:30 am

hi 2fat4fun

im really sorry that you are feeling nervous. in my experience, that is normal because mf was my last resort, nervous didnt even begin to describe my feelings. i know it was scary but exciting, especially after reading about the successes here. i think you are making a wonderful first step by coming here and giving a voice to your feelings. this forum is an important part of success in my opinion. there are so many people that care and the team mentality really keeps me going.

as for the confusion with the meals and the taste of things. this gets taking used to but truly after 3-4 days you will find that the meals are tasty, filling and EASIER than shopping, cooking, weighing, measuring, counting calories, etc. i actually love the pudding, shakes, chili, well everything (except the chick and rice soup!--youll see that everyone has their favorites!)

with the shakes, i didnt have a blender to start with, just my shaker jar. i would shake, shake shake and let it sit for about 5 minutes in the freezer, then shake again a couple of times before drinking. this helped settle the "grainy" taste, etc. i didnt buy a blender until i knew that i would stay true. i knew it after 4 days!

i hope that you are able to stick with it. it really is the best program i have ever been on. i think everyone is with me when i say they have tried everything. i think that speaks volumes to the success of the program.

be patient...this can change your life

leeann ;)
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Postby 2fat4fun » July 23rd, 2005, 12:02 pm

Thanks for all your support - had a bar for lunch and now vanilla shake w/diet orange soda - very tasty. I tried to make the chicken noodle soup but couldn't choke it down no matter how hungry I was. The consistency was yucky and reminded me of hospital food. I"ll have to do some experimenting with that one.

Thanks again for your support and I'll see ya 'round! :D
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Postby ladyhawke » July 23rd, 2005, 12:33 pm

Check the Lean Cuisine forum for chicken soup recipes, some really good ones, I love it simmered awhile with curry powder.
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Postby fatfree » July 23rd, 2005, 5:55 pm

Hi 2fat4fun....Big Welcome To You :hug:
This plan is fantastic! I love it totally and I know you will to , just give it a couple of days.
You know I HATED the chicken soup too....YUCK!! But I posted a message and everyone gave me some great ideas :lol:
I cook it on the stovetop (not microwave, it dont work too good for the soup IMHO) and I add lots of spices like salt and pepper, some minced garlic maybe a little chili powder and add 1 chicken bullion cube and about1/2 teaspoon vinegar. Let simmer for for maybe 3 to 5 mins.
While it is simmering I cut zuchinni squash in thickish slices and fry it in a pan with PAM SPRAY ( no OIL) and then I put the squash in a bowl and pour the soup over it.........DELICIOUS!!

I am doing the full fast so I dont have a lean and green meal and I think it is okay to add this little bit of squash to the soup, but I never do it twice in one day.
Anyways this ended up kinda long but I just wanted to say welcome and dont give up on the chicken noodle.....It is now my favorite!

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I am a newbie to!!

Postby prata1973 » July 23rd, 2005, 9:04 pm

I just finished my first day and I feel great!! I used a small blender to mix my shakes and drank alot!!! of water!! Like 13-14 bottles a little over the top but it worked. I to am nervous but excited!! I took some before pictures this morning and carried them in my purse for when I feel hungy! I expect hard days ahead but the thought of success is far better!! Good luck to you! :D
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Postby Unca_Tim » July 24th, 2005, 12:21 pm

Way to go Prata and welcome to the forum,
Great start and your planning will pay off in the long run.
Keep us posted...:)
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Root beer and vanilla shakes

Postby bunnylady » July 28th, 2005, 11:08 am

Thanks for that wonderful tip- makes it taste really good
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